On4 Communications, Inc.

Comparing ONCI $ Volume at two supports

โดย TradingHarvests
Volume at .0007 was 770 million.
Volume at .0016 is 193 million.
Volume at .0016 support is 25% of the volume at .0007 support, or
Volume at .0007 support is 4x the volume of .0016 support.

.0007 is 43% of .0016, or
.0016 is 2.28x .0007

$ Volume at .0016 is 57% of $ volume at .0007, or
$ Volume at .0007 is 1.75x $ volume at .0016

$0.0007 * 770,000,000 = $539,000.00
$0.0016 * 193,000,000 = $308,000.00

What any of this means, I don't know.
