NXTUSD Looks Like it could be in Automatic Rally Mode
I had several people ask me where NXT is going. So, I decided to do a publishing on NXTUSD.
It was very hard to determine what our Preliminary Support (PS) for NXTUSD from the Weekly TF. I had to go to the Daily TF to "try" to get an idea of where PS could possibly be. If we do not go well past 0.01281589 on the first Automatic Rally, it's quite possible that could be our PS.
I've been in on this one since early January, 2017. So, I've been "long" on this one for a little while. This is a coin that takes time to play out. So, probably not one to get into if you aim to make big bucks quickly. This one will take a while.
I like what I'm seeing at the moment on the 4h TF. NXT looks poised to continue in this leg up it has taken and eventually legging up once again.