Nasdaq NQ hovering @wma200/mma50/June low zone;Diamond again?

Nasdaq, si,liar to SPY has made 2 diamond patterns in May & June leading to a reversal with positive Rsi divergence.
Could it be repeating similar set-up this Sept-Oct?
It is currently hovering around the mma50+wma200+June low zone. Sometimes prices break a little below the diamond pattern first eating away the cut-losses before a reversal. If NQ makes another new low after Thursday’s economics data, it will be bad news.
Not trading advice
All 3 major US indices keep being rejected by the daily ma20. They have to decisively recover the weekly wma200, stay above the monthly mma50 & break above ma20 to be bullish again.
Chart PatternsfuturesmarketTechnical Indicatorsnasdaqnasdaq100NASDAQ 100 E-MINI FUTURESriskassetrisk-offtechstocks

