
NQ1 heading to overbought, again; can break off anytime from Fib

DaddySawbucks ที่อัปเดต:   
CME_MINI:NQ1!   ฟิวเจอร์ส E-mini NASDAQ 100
Near/at the 0.786 with divergent MFI/RSI. Might be a Cup & Handle forming; if so, the Handle typically retraces half the right wall of Cup.

Likely to sell within a week IMO. Could double top before it breaks; don't bet the farm yet!

Not advice; trade at ur own risk: GLTA!
Amazing RSI on 2H hit 96; exhaustion gap frenzy IMO, see post below !
NB: RUT slips back while NQ climbs, flip-flop pattern characteristic of the last pullback
Looks like it might form a pinbar; hover Tues, slam Weds or Thurs IMO
In october puts 295, 294 strikes;
look, short interest at ATH:
Closed out on big dig at noon Weds; look for a bounce to re-entry; holding TZA, SQQQ, SPXS
FRe-entered shorts EOD on the covering lift
Closed shorts on the gap; often the gap represents half the final selling move; theh Handle forms...
Closed the gap on DJI, SPX, close enough IMO: shorting EOD on the Hanging mAN
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
Shorted the gap and the rally , made out okay but no clear direction now; is this a B wave of ABC with more down left? Or starting up again? Monday... no position.
More fun Fading Gaps; IMO this index starts to look almost attractive... Handle formed off Cup; let's see about long on Tues IMO
After 10/26 bselloff RSI and MFI STILL NOT oversold! Look for further declines to the next Fibo around 11200 IMO; BUY when RSI goes o/s!
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
10/28-29 looking a lot like 9/23-24; if it plays same way, gonna bull IMO; no shorts, DJI and SPX forming bull wedges intraday. In cash until pivot confirms.

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