
NQ Santa Rally No More?

stockmankam ที่อัปเดต:   
CME_MINI:NQ1!   ฟิวเจอร์ส E-mini NASDAQ 100
Well so far it looks like the bears have been mainly in control... but not for much longer?

Preferably, I would like to see this double bottom hold at this .5 fib support around 15580 but I have an odd feeling that we're going to gap down below support in the case this does happen, I would look for a strong bounce around this next fib confluence around ~15295.

Take note of the downward channel its been in as well!

Still overall bullish as these types of W2 complex corrections tend to be very choppy and impulsive...

Stick to a game plan and don't over position yourself especially in these choppy markets!

(Fair warning, I have been wrong a lot recently so PLEASE take these projections only as ideas)

Good Luck,
NQ- Market was able to hold the .5 fib support level for now... needs to hold throughout tomorrow with serious volume for more confirmation, I recommend staying patient and keep your trade size small in the meantime



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