
Nifty50 ( 28th June) 1/2

Kilopapa ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
There's a GAP pending below at 24050 to fill, if sustains above then bullish to above level 📈

If closing under 24050 in any hourly candle then bearish 📉 📉 to 23989 --- 23884


It's a personal view not a financial advice and I assume no responsibility and liability whatever outcome arises
Not a usual market Gap, its a FIB GAP too
so it's imp to fill

Until then no directional move
GAP filled

Now any hourly candle close below 22050 then 📉 📉 to below price levels marked

If closing sustains above 22050 next hourly candle then 📈 📈
23989 reached

23884 upcoming

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