
nifty spot

deepgups ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:NIFTY   ดัชนี Nifty 50
For TV1234..... but ESPECIALLY for JIKADRAVIPUL.... who made a comment on wave 4 going below wave 1......Here it is..... with every wave in detail . I have even marked out the LEVELS for YOU ALL..... I have gone to the extent of giving you on a platter the MINOR wave ii down levels as well..... Play it accordingly. This is a DAILY TF chart.... and whipsaws will occur on smaller tfs.. say hourly and below ....
Again a typing error on my front.... wave 4 will be above 18300 apprxx and not 17410-17389... Read this well please before someone else starts saying wave 4 below wave 1
BTW...... AMIN TANNERY hit UPPER CIRCUIT today.... Not bad for a Fortune Teller I guess

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