Now that I have your attention, with my last few videos of course, it's time to go deeper...
Once you understand what is going on in these two charts you will have a better understanding of what is to come for Crypto's.
This is no B-S, this is very specific wave analysis unlike anything you have ever seen.
The understanding that goes into knowing how to read waves in this manner means you don't need 10 indicators hanging off your chart.
It's better to try and understand the markets yourself rather than rely on magical poop shooting cannons, if there is such a thing.
Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.
If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research[b/] instead of just following the crowd?
Just remember: I am not a financial adviser, I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.
ข้อมูลและบทความไม่ได้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อก่อให้เกิดกิจกรรมทางการเงิน, การลงทุน, การซื้อขาย, ข้อเสนอแนะ หรือคำแนะนำประเภทอื่น ๆ ที่ให้หรือรับรองโดย TradingView อ่านเพิ่มเติมที่