Reminder: MCO is already trading way above the Swap Rate.
At the moment, there is no liquidity. have basically forced everyone to sell their MCO as exchanges are participating in the swap. So there is next to nobody who owns MCO that hasn't already sold it. (Except for the top 25 addresses that ofcourse won't budge ;)
This means there is a one-way pressure gradient. The only available MCO are going to come from an elite few (including that now own nearly 80% of the coin, who will then burn 50% to reduce supply even further). Have a look at how difficult it is going to be to get MCO after the burn and swap.
MCO is already trading well above the swap rate and the buy-back offer period from CDC hasn't even finished as there is literally no more sellers.
I tested out the upside with about 10k worth of MCO and the priced pumped by about 40%... After a certain threshold, this price is going to be soaring. It will be even more interesting to see what happens when CDC finally begin the moon stopover.
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Kenzing trading indicators for TradingView perform advanced real-time analysis of stock price trends and display alerts that are easy for the average Trader to interpret.