This this chart BTC' is blue/purple, and LTC' is red/green.
Notice anything interesting? Ever since the LTC rally on Feb 14 we've started to see some divergence between LTC' and BTC'.
Now this isn't a full decoupling by any means. Not even ETH' is fully decoupled, and LTC is a far ways behind ETH'. But *IF* the divergence continues then LTC' may very well become more resilient to BTC's dips in the future. It's too early to tell for sure -- it could fall back apace -- but this is one trend definitely worth watching for anyone who likes LTC.
And, as per usual, here's some Support and resistance lines for everyone:
Short term I'm a bit wary of this current bounce. SMA is about to cross EMA. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a dip before we go on a strong run. Long term I remain bullish on LTC'.