
LTCUSD $262 LONG Target

KRAKEN:LTCUSD   ไลท์คอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
Just like Bitcoin and Ethereum, all eyes are on the major cap coins so Litecoin is in the conversation.

After hitting $171 (local high) earlier this year, Litecoin rejected and was consolidating along the $136 - $145 support level until it started breaking out last week. From here, Litecoin has surpassed the previous highs and hit $183 as TP as well as $218 for the 2018 highs.

The next targets moving forward are $262 and $318. $262 is a weekly level created all the way back in 2017 and is the next level of resistance in the path of Litecoin holding the price back from hitting $318 and the previous ATH.

From there it'll be new highs beyond the previous ATH making the previous ATH looking like just a little blimp in the market kind of like how Bitcoin looks now compared to 2017.

I'm going to continue to keep you updated along the path to reach those new highs, stay updated. Let's get this bread


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