
LTCBTC Moon or doom

UnknownUnicorn121770 ที่อัปเดต:   
BITFINEX:LTCBTC   ไลท์คอยน์ / บิตคอยน์
LTCBTC setting itself up for price compression until end of March '18. I'm bullish on LTC due to high adoption, so i've added a 50% position and will be adding another 50% if price moves towards the ascending triangle support.

Happy HODLing.
www.litepay.us/ release 26th of Feb: buy the rumour, sell the release/news. Will be closing half my position close to ATH

The bull has awaken.

Breakout of intraday bear channel resistance, through the resistance of the rising wedge and the longer intraday resistance around 0.21X. WOW!

I think the only negative at the moment for reaching 0.33 is the volume: it's higher on the 4H, but not at a level where we feel fully confident.

I will be watching volume more closely.

LTCBTC had nice upside risk. A scam fork LCC is adding volatility, potentially causing LTCBTC to reach the ~0.033 area before the hard fork.

It doesn't really matter anymore that the broken resistance is now support, because of these idiots buying LTC for LCC. I hope they come out on the losing end, what a shit show. No, i don't want wealth at all costs. If i wanted that i'de buy sweatshop products in 3rd world countries and sell them for a high margin in the West.

I'm going to short my balls off once that block is almost mined.

Fucking tools.

I'm still watching LTCBTC (and LTCUSD) from the sidelines, currently eyeing an entry in LTCUSD around $161 or lower level and also looking at LTCBTC for a potential neckline and right shoulder confirmation around the marked area, before i'll show interest in LTC again.



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