Lisk / Bitcoin

LISK (LSK Polo) Buy recommendation

LISK is a unique alternative Cryptocurrency which allows users and up to 101 'delgates' (a delegate is able to generate new coins) to utilize the platform to develop their own sidechain applications ranging from prediction markets, social media blogs, encrypted communications or anything a user might imagine using blockchain tech.

From the Website; Lisk is a decentralized network such as Bitcoin, Nxt, or BitShares. It doesn’t utilize Proof of Work like Bitcoin, or Proof of Stake like Nxt. Lisk uses a simplified implementation of BitShares’ original consensus algorithm called Delegated Proof of Stake. That means every LSK holder can vote for mainchain delegates which are securing the network. There are only a maximum of 101 active mainchain delegates which always got the most votes on the whole network, and only they can earn block generation rewards, that means there is a financial incentive to become an active delegate. Every other delegate is on standby awaiting to become elected, or alternatively, securing a Lisk sidechain.

LSK has a current market capitalization of $283,106,025 (99,053 BTC) which is lower than other coins with what in my opinion have less potential applications. In other words the market cap is not unrealistically higher than the rate of adoption. While these are still eye-popping numbers it is not unusual at this time in the crypto space.

The idea that anyone is able to create a sidechain based on the decentralized LSK platform is appealing and as word spreads I believe market cap will increase accordingly.


DISCLOSURE: My Opinions are my own. I have not received any sort of compensation or remuneration for this recommendation. Cryptocurrency investing/trading is by nature a high risk endeavor. Consult a professional financial advisor before risking funds in any investment. I currently hold no position in LSK, however may in the future hold long or short positions in this cryptocurrency.

