
KUSAMA on its way to $600

After a long consolidation period and forming a huge bullish triangle, we have been waiting for a breakout for Kusama for a long time and guess what? Its here! I see KSM hitting $600 this week! Just have a look below what happened on the last Kusama breakout... :0
Kusama still is severely undervalued at a 4bn market cap, in my opinion that should be at least 10+bn as KSM is basically Polkadot on steroids. Another fun aspect: ususally KSM breaks out first and pump and after that DOT pumps. :) The token economics are great, they are super scarce hence we such high prices and I project 10K Kusama tokens within the next 2 years, especially as the blockchain will be running full steam by then. Also parachain auctions are coming soon! Research it...

IMPORTANT: this is not financial advice, trade or invest at your own risk and research.

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