Smart Execution, intelligently use stops to maximize profit

This post is for all those who are asking about the progress of the holy grail project. There are many ideas that are being poured into the project that are making it more and more effective, but this is proving to be one of the more interesting ones.

The idea of an adaptive stop loss is nothing new, trailing stops are super common, and many low latency methods employ some linear envelopes in the core of their stop loss methods. What the Holy Grail project is employing and may be somewhat new to the trading world is the idea of a stop loss function whose functional dependencies are dynamic in nature and rely on non-linear combinations. This is naturally accomplishable with the help of exponential smoothing. The Holy grail project had a problem that it would have too many neutral entries and exits, but now these can even lock in profits as they go. The next step will be to look at functional behavior that would warrant reentries, or some sort of stationary stochastic selection process of when to exit trades.

Take a look at the plot above. The red line is the reference line, crossovers represent when to enter and exit a trade. The lime and teal lines are the Smart Execution Traces (SETs) and suggest when to exit.

Exciting times!
