That I’ve got a few followers! What up y’all. That’s exciting to me. Hopefully I can keep putting out winners for y’all. But, I think I should remind y’all that, I’m only human, and I’m by no means anything close to resembling an expert. I use a few different methods to help me find fire trending tickers, spanning the OTC market to Tsla options, and even crypto.. ish.
Point is, I just throw up an idea whenever I see something I like. And if you really think about it, you have a 50/50 chance of being right, it all just comes down to your investment horizon (timing). Unfortunately, timing has never been my strong suite.
Take for instance this beauty today. I don’t always buy the top... but when I do, every1 sells. Lol.
I only bought 10 shares, but still, seeing that 10.54 average hurts ones pride lol