
ICPUSDT ewt analysis

Eloquent ที่อัปเดต:   
FTX:ICPPERP   Internet Computer Perpetual Futures
two possible scenarios from here, buy indications are starting to flash though, so a decision needs to be made today - we hit the .50 recently for what looked like an a-b-c into the 2.

normally i'd love for an asset to get down into the golden zone for a wave 3 swing, so i am a bit weary getting in right now.

would love to hear anyone else's thoughts \ opinions on this.

thanks in advance.
took a little 5x long here at 45.5,

stop loss- 43.5
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
exited my position at +19%

bitcoin looks spooky right now, i rather not take my chances (yet)



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