Copper Takes A Nice long Tumble Into Demand

This is to show you a nice example of sellers selling into demand. Notice the nice long bar on 2017/07/25. Not enough sellers for buyers that day and price rose. Now notice the price activity for this evening. A nice long bar now returns to the demand zone. Prices returned the same way they left on 2017/07/25. This is important because this is exactly what price does in a good example like this one. Price will return the way it left. It left with a big long bar on 2017/07/25, it returned this evening with a big long bar. Study the chart. One thing to note, price ALWAYS returns to supply and demand areas. On the chart you are now in a buying zone but you have to decide if this is a trade you wish to take because price can continue to fall farther. You have as classic example of sellers selling into demand. This is a mistake until price breaks through the demand zone and continues on. This just means there were no more buyers and prices eventually fell through the demand area after several attempts of prices returning to the demand zone. Now that prices have fallen into demand, buyers will try to dominate and if successful price will rise.
