Now you all know that i have method called wave theory i use for forecasting and take High profitable trades
Now you all know that Many of you have contacted me but did not believe me because of your mis-directed belief in short term trend trading
when you try to catch fish in the pound you will miss the Tons of Fish in the sea , because your view and methods are only limited to pound where you see few fish and want to catch them ,
Having a view of larger trend will always benefits you but knowing how to gauge the market is what gives you income or revenue in the stock market ,
We traded in cash & Futures form 821 to 1372 , Now we still see its Going to 1450 but we are also human being so we are booking our both Cash and Futures
This is the reason i always learn well before you enter the market and earn well so die rich not poor ,
I am attaching my public post in the Trading view where entire Mass psychology was considering its going down , Enjoy your earnings so far you made
Make an efforts in learning so you can also Join the team of winners who enjoy Grate earnings
Good luck people
if you have read my Message correctly i have said it will Go to 1450 Now it has made it , One More shreeKrishna Magic , ha ha