iShares GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust Fund

Commodities Breakout from VCP

Pivot: 24.65
Stop: 24.25
Avg Cost: 24.75
Risk From Pivot: 1.63%
Position: Half Defensive (250 USDs) as stop is super tight and a strong gap down can be multiples of my risk.

VCP Breakout on the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index. Added some exposure to my portfolio with this small trade.
Over all exposure now 12.5% mainly on commodities and health sector. Waiting for trades to move handsomely from pivots so I can start taking some profits, moving stop losses, and maybe start getting more aggressive. One day at a time.
Many analysts have been saying commodities are about to roll over. The performance of this stock vs the market since I bought it is impressive. It shows how when investing you should keep your personal opinions aside and follow your strategy and system. My strategy is simple, buy stocks on upends coming out from bases on good risk reward entries when the market shows at least ok action. Tight stops and don't get aggressive until you create cushion. For now it's doing ok. Lets see how this finishes...
Adjusting Stop to Breakeven.
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง
Many of my positions acted very poorly today and been getting stopped out. Had to sell many positions today to finance the hits the portfolio has been taking. Exited @26.37
