
A clear direction for Gold/Silver Ratio?

Just looking at the past at what the ratio has done it seems clear that over the long term Silver could be a better bet than gold (if that is you would like more gold). There seems to be a rough 4/5 year cycle to the ratio.

It seems likely that between 55-60 by some point in 2018. Perhaps even as low as 48 by 2019.

The only way we will hit the 30s if we see another nutzo bubble in the precious metals. In which case you should probably be selling your metals for worthless fiat.
It's poking a little above my assumed direction, but I think in the next couple of months it will correct back down with SLV pushing higher out of it's consolidation.
I expect a bottom in silver in the coming months, and we resume the up-valuing of silver against gold.
At this ratio gold has to severely devalue or silver is going to rocket this year. The ratio indicates to me that it's a good time to buy silver.

Many metal bugs use the ratio to increase their gold holdings by playing the ratios. If you want more gold in 2020 then buy silver now.
for more detailed gold/silver analysis check out belangp on youtube. his videos are great, very well informed individual.
