10Y Treasury and Gold's Price:
Gold is correlated strongly (92%) with the 10Y Treasury. During 2020, during the depths of the pandemic, we saw 10Y rates under 0.5%. This was the primary catalyst for Gold to find its new ATH during August of 2020. This strong correlation makes it necessary to understand the primary drivers of Federal Reserve policy and actions.

Miss-guided Inflation to Gold Correlation:
Inflation is the most commonly purported catalyst behind Gold's price movements. This remains true, however the present narrative surrounding inflation (and the convoluted way QE finds its way to markets) makes it very difficult for the public to have an understanding of long-term inflationary expectations. Under the current regime, we are in much greater danger of Cyclical Deflation than any significant inflation. Hyper-inflationary rhetoric is silly and I'll not address it seriously. My assertions of inflation and deflation trends rely strongly on the Federal Reserve operating under the laws by which it's presently constituted. This is unlikely to happen in the long term.

Federal Reserve Frustrations and Law Breaking/Changing:
Within the next 5 years it will become painfully obvious to the Federal Reserve they're incapable of generating true inflation. Once the Fed and the Government resign to this fact, there'll be a proposal to change the Federal Reserve Acts to give the Fed more monetary freedom. The way this affects American Life is in the introduction of a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency); transforming the Fed from the Lender of last resort into the Spender of all resorts. This will be the true catalyst behind inflationary trades; shifting Gold's closest price correlation from the 10Y rate to the threat of true inflation.

Powell's Fed Ending:
Jerome Powell is slated for re-appointment early in 2022. I don't think he will be. It's likely the next Chairman (Chairwoman) of the Fed will probably be Lael Brainard. In this case, my above statements are hastened and magnified.

Federal Reserve (Monetary Policy Trajectory):
The Federal Reserve remains hawkish in the short term. This means short term 10Y rates are unlikely to rise to or above 2% for the next few years. As stated above, under present forces, low rates are bullish for the price of Gold but since rates are already tightly approaching 2% the buy signal for gold will remain neutral until 2023. I don't think Gold make any significant moves, but it will likely maintain its present price with a +/-10% around the 200 day moving average.

Price Prediction:
I will not be buying more physical gold until either 10Y rates rise and remain above 2% or until the Fed introduces a CBDC. I don't see either of these catalysts forming until 2023. Until 2023, it's best to play the short-term averages and trajectories in the Paper Gold markets. Depending upon the economic outcomes of the next few years, Gold could vary wildly in price. If strong deflation persists, $500 Gold is not out of the question. If Laws change and a CBDC is introduced, the price of Gold could easily rise above $10,000 (or other denominations).

Unconsidered Catalysts (BASEL III):
BASEL III is close to being enacted. I have not been able to research all of the components of BASEL III's changes. However, one of the major changes (along with reinstating Gold as a Tier I asset for collateralization purposes) is making unallocated positions impossible. How BASEL III does this is not clear to me but I will post an update once I have a better understanding of this. Removal of unallocated paper positions in Gold would result in a precipitous rise in Gold's price if the assumption of many Goldbugs (that gold is heavily manipulated through paper markets (ETF's and Bullion Banks)) are true. This isn't that ridiculous an idea considering some statements given by Greenspan and Bernanke. I'll go into details on these statements in future ideas.

Short Term Prediction (Now to 2023): NEUTRAL with a price of Gold ranging from $1,700.00 to $1,900.00.
Long Term Prediction (2023 to 2050): REMARKABLY BULLISH with a price of Gold ranging from $50,000.00 (eq) to $100,000 (eq). (where "eq" allows for future U.S. dollar equivalents)
Just an update (mostly for me) GOLD is holding the Neutral band I described above. I'm still not looking add long at this level.
10yrbaselBeyond Technical AnalysisCBDCdeflationfederalreserveGoldgoldbugsinflationpreciousmetals

