DAX is about to change trend?

โดย Pashabxl
On a purely ch artist approach, putting aside the political agenda, many indicators shows that DAX is about to change momentarily its trend to Bear. MA 16-50-100 are an important set of signals. STOCH as well. MACD will be the confirming signal, and to real move may start when, RSI is bellow 50. There may be a rebound to 9690-9750 but the overall pictures show sign of reversal trend.
Weekly charts are also strating to give the initial signal. Although on a long run, DAX appears to keep an important momentum, and if ECB's QE is confirmed and putted into action, DAX may very much profit from it, and in other words, it may hit above 10 000. But we are not there yet, and at that stage, we are about to reeive the sell in may come back in September. But If I were you, I would comeback in early August to seek for deeps. ;-)
DAX Indexdax30short
