I've put my hope on your demise... And this is what i got !? SHAME I SAY !! SHAMEEEEEEEE !!!
Me, Peesha and Tea... Are staying so far far away from this pair for now. I have problem with this pair. We are not in talking terms.......
See, i estimated the downfall would be equal to the Initial wave A. But no....... It has to make a Diagonal C. It has to make the DIAGONAL ! WHY !? Do you hate me so much !?
I am sorry for the outburst... I ran out of tea recently. . . . . . We are looking at the possible long term upside on this pair. But be aware, I don't trust this pair........... If it manage to break 1.30518, we are possibly in a Bullish Run. At least in the Short Term...... (UNLESS IT WENT CRAZY AND KABOOM ! WENT TO 4.618 ! YES WE ARE BULLISH !) *Ahem*... Yes ?
Overall, Its Bullish. So enjoy your tea..... And do eat peesha once in a while. I heard they imported new cheese. My oh my, such a delightful news......