

Guhanak7 ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:GBPJPY   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / เยนญี่ปุ่น
I am short on this pair. The interest rate news is coming out in 40 minutes. Honestly, I have not done any fundamental analysis on this one, and I can see massive signals of sell in this chart. I am publishing this chart to prove how useful technical analysis can be, that I have an edge even before the news are out, following the market sentiment.
There may be a spike up to 162 - 163 due to volatility, but the overall trend is downward. My other successful trades can be viewed in my profile, follow the related links below. Good luck.

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The market was not very volatile and it's moving along the upper TL. An opportunity to sell will rise when the lower TL is broken
Market is currently at 158. Due to smaller timeframe chart, the chart hasn't covered the move. Thanks

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