
GBPCHF - Bearish Primary 5 - Trend Reversal

FX_IDC:GBPCHF   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ฟรังก์สวิส
GBPCHF did provide a Bearish leg according to our previous post on "GBP/CHF – Bearish Trend – Cycle Wave V"  , however, the Structure developed a Complex Pattern, hence the reason why we think the Correction since Brexit and Flash-Crash is almost complete.
If correct, then we would expect a 1800 pips drop in GBPCHF in order to complete the entire Cycle.

Since Oct 2016 GBPCHF has been trading in a range, more exactly in a Complex Corrective Structure, a Double Three, which is about to end its shelf-life and pave the way to the next Impulse.



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