Meta Platforms



-Cathie Wood bought 63.8M FB Stock 10

-December 1st Facebook turns into Meta ticker

-Have the same feeling of Tesla in the beggning as Facebook is right now

-Morningstar valuation for Facebook is at a 20% discount (Fair value: $404.00)

-Yahoo Finance fair value is $316.16 & long term is a bullish upwards trend

-Roomate really likes Facebook with Meta.

-Facebook will drag up Meta stocks & crypto like KOPN & MANA.X

-Facebook all time high is $384

-6 postiive earnings in a row previously.

-Febuary 2nd is the 2nd earnings will definetly bring stock price up.

Looking to do a two - three year call option.
Ended up doing Jan 20th 2023 call for $33.45 a stock. (x2 contracts)
Break even price is $404. FB need to rise 23% before i can start making profits in the next two years.
Looking at the graph is seems like in September it had a pullback from an all time high of $384.

My bet is that it will go over its all time high & beyond because of the Metaverse media around its name.
Wont expect profits for quite sometime.

Went big in size buying to contracts since time is on my side for the play to go in my favor.
If I didnt go super super super safe this time around with a Jan 20th 19th options chain with some strike price within the money because im trying to gain a good amount of money & doing a risk in order to do so

Current stock price is $328
No fookin fills on that $33.45 370 strike.
Kept offering different bids but i ended up doing $33.37 375 strike price call Jan. 20th 2023
$33.50* price per share
Fundamental Analysis

