
EWQ: France ETF long term time at mode analysis

AMEX:EWQ   iShares MSCI France Index Fund
We have downtrends in all timeframes except the daily in the France ETF. Currently price is about to break below the yearly downtrend mode, which if it happens could start a big slide down. The daily suggests a short is optimal here, risking a rally to pre-Brexit highs at 24.70, targets can be initially the monthly one at 19.22, but eventually this could evolve into a drop into single digits if the yearly downtrend signal takes over. Target is precisely 8.77, and is well within the confines of possibility, but not yet confirmed.
The monthly setup is already valid, so, feel free to go short.
Send me a private message if interested in the CAC40 CFD setup.

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Ivan Labrie

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