$EUR vs. $USD Continues To Move Towards 1.09373 As Forecast
Yesterday, we did an initial study of the background nascent geometry (see it here:
). As the geometry was still unfolding, we strived to define Point-4 in the interest of entering a LONG position.
This exercise was aided by the method I develop, which simply consists of defining a "Geo Anchor", or a supportive inflection points that typically emerges out of Point-2 to Point-3 leg. This is in lieu of the rudimentary connection between points 1 and 2 - The benefit of the "Geo Anchoring" is that it optimizes the chance that price will return to it, as it will tend to find a more proximal residence. In contrast, the mere plotting of a standard 1-4 Line at these respective points is at times associated with near misses.
Again, this exercise is for a background pattern analysis, whereas the foreground is represented by the product of a Predictive/Forecasting Model, which yielded the following qualitative targets:
1 - TG-Hi = 1.09373 - 22 APR 2015
2 - TG-Hix = 1.04020 - 22 APR 2015
As the geometry continues to move towards the definition of its Point-5 along its 1-3 Line, the Predictive/Forecasting Model remains the main feature of the price study.
David Alcindor Predictive Analysis & Forecasting Denver, Colorado - USA