
10.13 EURUSD Daily Review & Outlook

FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
10.13 Wednesday, for the past 24 hours:
• EURUSD has dropped 23 pips against the previous day close;
• ↓ 46 pips High & Low extreme move, vs. 50.2 pips of 22 day Average Range.

Strength (0~10) Comparison:
• USD in early session MEDIUM 4.2 -> 7.3 STRONG of late session
• EUR in early session WEAK 2.3 -> 3.2 WEAK of late session

Market Focus & Moods:
• 'It was a messy set of moves that never quite established a theme.' Watch out above US10Y bond yields, in 4h Chart, which falls back to neckline, if further falling, it could cause trouble for USD strength.
• Wednesday, morning LND 7am DE CPI, 10am EU Industrial Production;
Afternoon, 1:30pm US (Core) CPI; 7pm US Fed FOMC Minutes.

Next Step:
• Due to US Dollar rally is true, I expect a test:
- Resistances 1st 1.1535, 2nd 1.1548, 3rd 1.1570;
- Support at 1st 1.1520 (weak), 2nd 1.1508, 3rd 1.1494;
- Close around 1.1505~ 1.1480 area.



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