
EURUSD Spikes, Patterns And Fake Outs

DevLucem ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
In the last 2 months, this pair has been running with plenty of fakeouts and unexpected directions for me. But as it is a rule I keep, always listen to what the market is saying. I have managed to reduce my losses with the reluctivity of this pair since I exit a trade that takes too long to play out.

We have broken a major support that held for some days and we might be expecting lower and lower levels of the market which will count as retest on bigger timeframes since we are on an uptrend. This might be one of the fakeouts of this pair but it's worth risking since the bearish candles we have seen today are remarkable.

A long trade failed on this pair
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:
the target was reached faster than i expected

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