EurUsd: toward 1.12239 or back to 1.1118?

FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
The EurUsd found support around 1.1118, erasing yesterday's losses. If the trend remains bullish it will have 1.12239 as an objective, where the parity will face a major resistance area, which consists of its EMAs, and its old trend it has breached two days ago.

Failing to pursue the upward movement, will send the parity back to 1.1118, especially if 1.1153 is breached.

The daily Pivot Point is around 1.11678. The daily support levels are around 1.11223 and 1.1059. The daily resistance level are around 1.12303 and 1.12758.



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