

Rocketman ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
I normally wait, but it is already close to the time of the EURO session, and I predict that the data will be bad for the EURO in the morning New York Time.
Economic Calendar Prediction:
Friday February 12, 2016
2am New York Time: Germany GDP data, I anticipate, will be bad since all the other data for the EURO this week was bad, like given the drop in retail sales and the trade balance.
5am New York Time: Eurozone Industrial Production, I anticipate will be negative since the biggest part of the EURO, Germany, came out with bad industrial production data, and France's IP data was bad as well this week

EURUSD: Comment: EURUSD 4 hour candles at resistance yells from the chat to short now although it is not qualified yet, it is almost the time before the morning of Friday's EUR session. So, I will get in early.

Hopefully, this will become a QUALIFIED set-up.
Germany Balance of Trade: www.tradingeconomics...any/balance-of-trade
Germany's industrial production: www.tradingeconomics...trial-production-mom
France Industrial Production: www.tradingeconomics...trial-production-mom

Capturing the swings of the stock market & currency market. It's a dirty job and equity/currency traders must do it.



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