
EUR/USD possible short setup

ghostdigg ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
Looking at the 4Hr chart here, we have broken through the channel back on 2-7. A 1:1 harmonic move of the first impulse wave down through the channel would put us near the lows. We are currently pulling back the last impulse wave to recent lows. I will be looking on the smaller time frames for possible entries around the .618 Fib level with targets around the 104 level.

You are welcome to join my free discord channel to discuss this and may other ideas. Over 100 members and growing.
Started building a position here short
Pulled off the .618 nicely here. Still looking for that 104 level.

Discuss this and other ideas for free at my discord channel over 100 members and growing.



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