EUR/USD fundamentals gather to push for a break below 1.2150
As was mentioned before in previous posts this week there were many reasons to reverse the attempt to break above 1.2260 and alert to a reversal
MORE fundamentals why the price shall break below 1.2150?
1- The variant first identified in India is spreading all over parts in England, the fact the puts EU at risk ( Brexit business between EU-England ) 2- ECB speech " fiscal support to economy shouldn't be unwound prematurely, the pandemic shouldn't be used as a pretext to throw fiscal rules over board " 3- Upbeat U.S. data ( initial jobless claims, core durable goods order ) DESPITE THE MODEST DROP IN GDP REVISE AND PENDING HOME SALES , all in all indicates economic growth 4- Drop in Germany data ( GFK German consumer climate )
Last but not least the upbeat U.S. data raises the prospects that FED is reaching employment goal and may confirm the previous taper talks ( Usually leads to being Hawkish )
Friday's data won't have that impact to change direction unless a SIGNIFICANT DROP IS SEEN