
ETHUSD short optimum target $343.50 perfect quick flip

a1mtarabichi ที่อัปเดต:   
BITSTAMP:ETHUSD   อีเธอร์เลียม
As title suggests; target short & stop loss are presented on charting.

  • We are now facing what looking like to be some volume accumulation and a buildup following what was quite a bearish holiday weekend.

Thankfully for me; I was out of commission (sick) so I am grateful I did not miss much.

Well right now I'm spotting more indicators for breakouts than I can publish.

All I can say is trade safely; read disclaimers on previous posts and never invest more than you can afford to lose.



- @a1mtarabichi

EDIT: Typo on target: its $343.48 not $323. Oops!
Trade setting up for a massive consolidation after a huge selloff. Target is in range and soon to be in our crosshairs.



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