Crypto spam box 8. Brace yourself it has began.


End of the line for the ponzi master crooks.

The SEC which wanted for a while to clean up the mess in this area have started looking into ICO's which are all scams as we know for the most part, and is looking into locking up those that have been blatantly manipulating prices. Well, they have been at work and it did not take them long to start taking action.

One of the criminals that started an ICO got headshot.
He managed to raise a whooping 21 million from gullible "investors" with his scam.

End of the line for all the criminals that had an easy cow to milk.

And exchanges are getting targetted too.

There will be an event the 13 June. And unlike the consensus, this on is going to have an impact on the price.

Let's hope the price by then is as high as possible so we can short and make a killing! :)
Don't be surprised if the pyramid scheme crumbles before then.

Right now I do not know if shorting at 7500$ is a good idea or not, not really paying that much attention to price fluctuations and resistance structures in crypto while we're in that range, got way more opportunities elsewhere so that is where my focus is.
Put your money in things you are involved in, or believe in.
Rather than something you hate just for the money.
But the problem with that is people just get overattached and delusional.

Everything is a "revolution", and just because something is new the average investor thinks it makes him invincible.

Every one should know that innovations take a really long time.

People invested, of course they don't put a reasonable amount in, oh noo, they put everything they have, because some braindead lucky boy got insanely lucky.

But the thing is, people need their money at some point, they need to pay for that operation NOW, they need to pay their debt NOW, not in 10 years when their magical bags become worth something.
And people are impatient, reason why everything goes up the way it does in impulses right?

There is a great example at the moment, outside of crypto itself, it is TESLA.
"The cars that require no gaz and will change the world".
In market cycles psychologie I would say TSLA is one step ahead of crypto.

People just love to gamble... and they don't understand how money works.

I have a choice:
A) Risk being the filthy rich "idiot" in the eyes of emotional ignorant people that shorted the future and was so wrong because whatever platform started being used widely (Even thought I never said they ALL had to go to zero and never recover).
B) Maybe being the genius visionary HOBO living on a cardboard dancing for quarters that KNEW the blockchain had a future.

Most people opt for the option that is most accepted by the herd, wouldn't want to be different and not fit in, or worse get ridiculed (by emotional monkeys).
Low sample size I know, but BTC usually takes a week of holding on WMA50 before falling.
We only went under that moving average 3 times and here they are:

I have long orders on 6400-6600 but I will zoom in and check what happened after we lost that MA.
Might want to cancel those XD.
I will post it in the next update.

Might take longer than & week idk...
Ok I increased my short position. Had to :D
Resistance is at 7700$ got orders there.
Usually I don't increase positions when we go my way, but this time it's different :p
Would we go down tomorrow I would be relieved.
And no more than 2 weeks to go below 7000 hopefully...

Don't take the ponzi thing too personal.
I just call it that because it:
- Does not produce anything
- Always needs new people to put money in to go up
- Has ponzi victims that got in early enough to be wildly successful and don't miss telling every one over and over
- When we ran out of new people it crashes

Just like a ponzi...
Mid june will be a great time, we get a new Jurassic Park movie, a game too, and finally get to watch the ponzi go down and be able to say "mmmm told you sooowww".

Totally unrelated, is this part of the movie?
Nice :D (if it is)
My Oil bags going up up up, and Ponzi-Coin jumped down I just saw, doing a bart?
FeelsSoGood. :)

BTC seems to respect fib right now.
I got some more short orders up there, because this might happen:


Should have shorted bigger at 8300$ when I still had the chance :(
Die hard crypto believer accepting bitcoin as payment but a 50% fee is included if you pay with crypto.

Poor whales that can't get rid of their bags being taken advantage of! Outrageous!

Found this on BTC:
Bitcoin is an asset in which price is supported by (bag)hodlers and liquidity is provided by criminals.

It's an anarchist pyramid scheme masquerading as innovation but designed to torrent the money out of your bank account into the bank accounts of scammers, child abusers and drug lords.--tomatoshi
From reddit and twitter Buttcoin

I am so glad I added to my short, I feel pretty comfortable now.
^Love this

Why are there so many stories of Bitcoin being taken by justice/the government?

I thought "no one can take my precious Bitcoin #ThisIsntAboutTheMoney".
Why are BTC bagHODLers so pissed when someone says their precious greedcoins that can't inflate and no one can take from them so the poor stay poor, are going down in price?
They should be thrilled they can buy more at a cheaper price.

Oooor maybe they don't really believe in it and just thought they would join a ponzi and sell to the next person.
Some fund manager talking about Oil and Stocks volatility liquidity, timed the part where he talks about the herd and when they buy and sell.
These magic beans man....
Soooooo boring.


I found a 3 years old video, Bitcoin was at 500$, traders were bored beyond belief, that was obviously the point of maximal opportunity.
The video had 7 views. Today it would get 700.000 views.
Maybe that's a way of investing, post troll bullish trash ===> see how many views/ likes that gets. As long as there is many, you don't put your money in.

Going to be a very long while till interest falls here, right now it is still incredibly high. Once interest has fell it's probably when thing is dead anyway lol.


So actually magic beans are on their way to make that EW I posted, let's see if this works out.
I already have a big enough short, I will only add if we go 8500, but I think 7700 is pretty decent to short, as that is where WMA50 is. It will either just crash OR retrace to 0.3 fib at the very least.


On another subject, found a 1 year old video of someone making fun of SNAP bagholders, also on @bagholderquotes they were funny.
1 year later, this is what happened:

Oh general message, if you do not want to lose, or you dislike the "big meany competitive" attitude in the space, then DON'T PLAY THE GAME.
Real traders/investors know how to limit their risk so it doesn't do much to them when they lose, no worries poking fun at them.
I was making laughing at myself when I was bagholding Oil last days, wasn't going to cry even if I lost there. Well, maybe a bit.
Anyone risking more than they can afford to lose is a complete moron and deserve to be made fun of.
Average retail trader...when we think about it...
Not only do they chase pumps FOMO on news etc, but they actually tell those that "miss out" they are bad and mad...
I just have such a hard time understand this... Wtf is in their heads? XD
They never heard of "buy low sell high"?

I feel blessed, like I was sent to this planet with the difficulty mode set on "easy".
I hope this never changes, I am lazy and I love easy mode and resting on my laurels.
This is one of my favorite videos:

Bought into the ponzi when it was a few hundreds $ and no one cared, he told them to buy they did not. Then when the ponzi grew into a huge bubble they all bought. Wups! Too late.

Published 7 december 2017 ;) (Bitcoin was at 16500$ that day, pretty close to the top).
Nicely timed if you ask me.
He probably sold at 10k :p
The big man is wrong.
Misguided corrupt evil wall street shall learn the wrong of his ways.
Let us light candles hold hands and sing together.

Laaalaalaaa Bitcoin/Tesla/HMNY/etc will change the world it will make us happy thin and very attractive and sooo rich togeeether we can succeed.

OMG it went straight down 25% while I was away and it is now slightly below my buy price SELL SELL SELL!
We won't let them terrorize us!
Evil traders...

Trading the 1 ONLY place where your height race skin sex weight looks does not matter and anyone can make it...

The only people discriminated against are dumbasses and brainwashed VICTIM bagHODLers.

Tell me, where else does NOTHING matter but your own skill & brain and ANYONE can succeed if they do what they have to do?

Give me ONE example where nothing matter. ONE.
Did you know that if crypto currencies stayed at the actual price or worse went up, the cost of hacking them would be far less than what they can be sold for?

If we don't go down, every one gets MtGox'd and then it goes down.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was legal too XD

If we don't go down I will do it myself, fk every one thanks for the money :p
^ Here is your guarantee.
Gosh I cannot handle the waiting.
Just sell already "we aren't going down sooner you realize this the better"
OK THEN BUY. OMG. Do something.

But I'm not going to rage quit crypto when we already spent FOUR months in monthly consolidation and we are about to break out.
Just go 200$ higher so some whale can dump GEEZUS.



I am just going to rage quit move my crypto account to a broker where I will trade stocks and commodities. Just pointless...
Going to open an account at Vanguard or FIdelity for investing, and some broker for Oil Gold Amazon Apple etc the big names idk who yet.
Going to have to promote my TV account soon I just hit 30 alerts XD.

Who is still trading crypto more than once every 2 weeks?
Is it really worth it? Zzzzzzzzz
Swing trade Bitcoin on a FX/CFD broker with 0.75% spread.
At least when it does nothing you will have something else to trade.
Oil Gold Stocks.

That is what I will do in July/August.
Probably won't be very interesting by then.

Or maybe I just quit crypto alltogether XD
If BTC drops too low and no one trades it anymore...
Went up 8% not that bad.
That bounce felt so pathetic.

June about to start.

All eyes on 10 June imo.
Maybe a bit sooner or later, but the odds of it being the 10 exactly are pretty good, my stegosaurus told me so.

The abcess has to be popped, every one will feel better afterwards.

Unsurprisingly, BTC stuck in a range for days...

This killed me:
"Blockchain might be like the early Internet. I mean the Internet in the 70s, when the use of TCP/IP wasn't a done deal. We don't even know what it will be used for. If you think you would have become rich by investing in "internet coins" in the 70s, I have some news for you."
- @Tr0llyTr0llFace

But I can add "If you think you would have become rich by investing in the internet in the 2000s, I have some news for you :)".
Absolutely EVERY one that invested in companies other than Microsoft and Apple lost money (not talking of those that sold at the top of course, I mean the "bagHODLers"). 2 companies out of thousands, rofl. The biggest one (Microsoft) and the second biggest IPO (buy the best when there is blood in the street does this mean buy ETH when it falls to a few $ ? :p All the biggest platforms perhaps).

I can't predict 100% the Bitcoin ponzi just falls and never recovers, but I can predict with 100% certainty all the thousands of ICO obvious scams outside of maximum 10 MAX are going to crash so hard and disappear.
Make that 110%! I am 110% certain. When I die my ghost is certain too.

"This coin is going to be used to pay dentists" LMAO you can't be serious...
In our world? Yeah right.
Ayyy lmao never pull 100% out.

Ronald Wayne (born May 17, 1934) is an American retired electronics industry worker. He co-founded Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, providing administrative oversight for the new venture. However, he soon sold his share of the new company back to Jobs and Wozniak for $800 US dollars, and later accepted $1,500 to forfeit any claims against Apple (in total, equivalent to $9,498 in 2017). As of May 4th, 2018, if Wayne had kept his 10% stake in Apple Inc., it would have been worth over $93.1 billion.

800 bucks you greedy bastard, you really needed those?
Same as the Bitcoin lucky morons.
First they HODL like their disabled never take profit, then of course they sell every single satoshi to the last drop at maybe 1000% ROI, what would it cost to leave just 1/10th in? You're still pulling 9 times your investment that is not enough?
That 1/10th left when BTC was 100$ for example turned times 200 in late 2017 !!!

Geez... You're at a huge profit, you can afford to leave some in...
Nooo they have to sell to the last drop, to the last cent.
"Nice I was able to buy a coffee!" <=== Ye I'd rather buy a boat.
they are
Never heard of crypto before Dec 2017, if I did I admit I would have missed the 2017 bull market.


Like Dan from TheChartGuys, this guy did nothing special and made 3500% right? While BTC did 1000=>19000 1900%

People and their regrets smh.
The whole ponzi build around playing with people regrets.
I got a system to make at least 50% every 2 month in forex and I am improving it eksdeee u can have your magical ponzi coins if you want.

Think Ill start an idea 10k to 50k in 3 months in a while. We'll see...
What did Oil do? Go from over 100$ to 40? In a few months...
With a daily volume > 100 billion $
Someone shorting big with leverage would have made tens or hundreds of billions.

I declare this day the day the whole world revolves around Oil and anyone that says something I dislike is just butthurt he missed out on becoming the richest man in the world.

Oh wait the whole world already revolves around Oil.
But srs this bitcoin culture... built around bagholding ... wtf?
Watch out for those!
Back in January I had a list of about 20 top alts and every day I checked if there was something like this on one of the charts.
Going to be a long time until I do this again...


We have the monthly inside candle bear break on BTC to look for at least.
I don't know if I want to short the bottom thought...decisions decisions...
Already 4 months in that range!

Hey! That's pretty good.

Bitcoin Market Overview Based on Ichimoku

The cloud can only be broken when it is flat right?
I mean the probability is pretty small otherwise I think.

Rest in pepperoni.
Sorry for the troll Elliot Waves, but BTC is trolling me...

I just want to quit crypto set an alert on $3000 and forget about it...
I should just do this.
Look at crypto & stocks strong long term support and open month long swing trades when they are reached and stop wasting my time.

Lmao I am saying this and in 2 weeks crypto is going to explode in volatility rofl, after 4 months of aaaaaaaah wake me up before I die.
From Nouriel Roubini, Bitcoin biggest FUDDER:

"Using the rigorous quantity theory of money Bitcoin fundamental value is between $20 and $600 as a means of payments. Estimates based on his store of value arent based on any clear fundamental value: it is worth either $0 or a lot if you make guessestimates based on vaporware."

"guessestimates based on vaporware" Rofl. He is wrong, he forgot to take hype and propaganda into account
Tfw I realize if I hadn't missed out on 2017 just bought and held I would have made a few grans but I would have never (or very late) tried to figure out how trading works and start working my way into a billionaire legend o.0
Congratulation to those that shorted on 20DMA & 50WMA and respected the Elliot Wave rules that meant we could not go higher than 7700$



I do not have a target, don't really care.
I'm swing trading this and short it to the ground but could be wrong.

I got a short on kraken at 8500$ & on mex at 8000$ so I can just hold them for a while.

The 10 june is in 6 days and that is more or less the start of the holidays, when every one cashes out.
This is when Bitcoin is supposed to crater.

Some people say the herd is always wrong, this is of course nonsense.
The herd is right, except at the extremities.
The herd is wrong when the trend reverses.
When a trend is reversing, there is plenty of warning.
I don't think I can get taken by surprise, it would probably happen in a period of "uncertainty" for me and I would probably be avoiding trades.

For example we go up to whatever moving average we lost a while ago (WMA50?) reject it once, and then go back up to test it a second time right after.
Duh, don't short it! Just wait and see what happens.
With Bitcoin it was too easy in 2015, there's this 8 months consolidation at the bottom, then we go way up and it is the first rally to form a higher high and stronger than any that happened during the bear market.
D4rkenergy is now pretending to be bullish on crypto, and he is doing pump and dumps???

BEST SIGNAL EVER: Make 150 % on RLC/BTC now on Binance!

The daily volume all exchanges combined (that are listed on coinmarketcap) is usually around 2MM, well between less than 1MM and 10MM, it 3-4 upled after his post *might be a coincidence*.

Tens of thousands of people view his ideas and some follow or at least get inspiration and watch a ticker they normally would not have.

If he posted about a shitcoin without being aware it can very easilly get pumped (it really does not take much probably a single buy for 500k boosts the price 20% lol), then he is stupid.

So either stupid or pump and dump schemer...

Oh I'll have to keep an eye on popular authors posting about shitcoins, if I buy really early I can profit from it right? :D
Fib 03 is holding, but is not bouncing.
20DMA and 50WMA have said to the few euphoric buyers left "no no no no no the world it is not anymore the way it used to be".

I wonder if the whales have been able to cash out what they wanted...
They're probably in the same boat as MtGox I am guessing, and MtGox only cashed out a portion of their coins.
Lmao all these paper millionaire/billionaires that cannot sell without dropping the price :p Sorry lads it was all just a fantasy.

I am seeing 2 possible counts...


Whatever crypto does, people are going to have to pay me a tax if they do not want to miss out.
No matter the EW etc, there is the downtrend.

* remind me not to go long unless we are close to the downtrend.
Maybe we should all really just trade these major levels...

Just too much trouble otherwise...
Taking 1-2 trades a day on average in FX alone and they are all decent, crypto only has BAD pump troll trade entries once in a while.
Idk some people seem to make it work, maybe? Still don't like it.
Insisting crypto ponzi lord spamming ads everywhere: "But seee you can do this this and this with the blockchain"
Me (pretending to be excited so he leaves me alone) "waaaow waaaaaa waaa really? But it is amazing!"
CPL "So are you going to give me your money?"
"Hahaha not a chance".

Could cure cancer & teleport me anywhere in the universe I still would not invest in such a thing XD

"But it is a mega giant hyper change"
Considering this is true...then it will take even MORE time to actually get adopted... the bigger the change the longer it takes to happen...

Rofl this is soooo dumb, ponzi lords trying to convince people to throw their money away by telling them "it is a huge revolution" which implies it will take a long time to happen and i nvestors will lose their money...
Not much going on...
An oversold bounce, a higher low but no higher high yet.

Keep in mind people do really not want to lose their money and they pray everyday for an angel investor to bail them out. There's not a huge number of examples in crypto, but usually we hold onto MA50 (weekly) for a while before going down.
Could even go above it and zig zag there.

I am still expecting something to happen - finally - the next week, my favorite date is the 10 june but it does not have to be this exact day :D
Possible we keep holding on a while. Check what happened last time.
Bitcoin, the perfect asset for old people.
Just... never moving.
"So what did it do today?"
"Oh nothing as usual"

Noticed the way I am trading currencies I could do the same for crypto except crypto = lowest winrate & lowest risk to reward.

Idk philakone seems to make it work, & I made it work with just buying on dumb trendlines and selling when it goes up back in dec/jan, was just making a hundred there and there while playing some video game.
Too dumb.


Neo day traded it same way as TRX rofl.
Problem is EVEN if you play video games during that time, you are stuck...
You need to be fully available... Maybe a trailing SL would work?
But when it spikes you miss selling it at a good profit...


Hey maybe this still works...



Need a list of good shitcoins to trade & avoid trading FX pairs / alts / whatever that is bad...

I did not check hundred of NEO trendlines, but they seem to often work.
Ez profits.

I want to start a challenge trading alts, but I will die of a heart attack if I do XD

Just better take it slowly...
Checking in a few hours if that line held...

+ all the little moving averages help too.

NEO uptrend starting?
Line getting tested soon.



Wonder if alts are tradable during the week end, as far as I remember no, but they might be a few opportunities, might be interesting for people busy during the week.
Seems fair, you risk being the bigger fool everytime, if you are not and there is an even bigger fool than you, you make money, if you are the last one take a loss, try making more than you lose XD

Play DOTA meanwhile? rofl.
I seriously cannot imagine WHO would buy Bitcoin if we lost support from the speculators from 2010-2016.

A few celibrities & athletes? Rofl.
No big money fund is going to touch this...

The only ones left are value investors. Warren Buffett got fired by most of his clients in the 90's because he is willing to wait 5-10 years & he avoided tech stocks his clients could not wait that long.
He's rolling at 90 billion now lololo.

Value investors are sure NOT to buy crypto... even if they were interested they would wait 5 years at the very least.

But makes sense to believe early adopters that bought below $500 and cashed out during the bubble, would buy on a dip to 3000$ and support Bitcoin.

Are there any Ethereum whales? Too tired to check.
Oh why did I look.
Bitcoin doing Barts again XD


I am going to tell you what to trade:
1/ BTC ==> Full of whales playing trying to cash out. Only swing trade unless you like to get hit by price manipulation.

2/ ETH LTC ==> Not sure, would say swing trade.

3/ Garbage alts with low mcap ==> Pump and Dump groups playground. Negative value, 0 reason to trade unless you participate (directly or not) in P&D
5 minutes to get filled for $1500... c'mon.

4/ Alts that have shown there are no whales playing and big enough to be out of reach by P&D groups (hopefully, & for how long?). Sure I saw some sell & buy walls at the same time on NEO, that stopped it from moving, but either I missed it or there has been not much manipulation. BCH is played with. EOS has been moved. They could all get pumped or dumped so... But logically most of the time they get pumped then whoever pushed the price up distributes if I am correct?
Just always go long on those. The herd is not going to drop the price 50% without warning without Bitcoin provoking it. I would not short an alt that can get pumped by 50% overnight. Can't even SL if the pump is instant, SL will hit 20% too high lol.
I think the stop hunting bots wiped out all of the traders XD
What is this???

How I would be doing this if I had a couple thousands - or more - Bitcoins to cash out of.
Can Bitcoin form a higher high?

If it goes up, all the way to 8500, I can near guarentee they will be at least some pullback to 8100$ minimum. Shorting there.

Comparing MemeCoin to some other tickers... not exactly the biggest ones.
Notice anything weird?

I do not know what this means, that a crash is imminent or what, I don't even care.
Oh yee I am suuuure big investors are going to want to get in Bitcoin if it looks like the bottom of the OTC market.

I will speculate and say people are waiting to see where we close the week?
And also speculate that once the little struggler move out of the range marked by the blue lines we are abck in business!
Plenty of HODLers imo but since they are totally passive and waiting for "someone else" to make their move, just going to have to wait the end of the week I guess...
I don't really know what to think.

Will look to it this week end.
Only a few days/weeks max left till everything explodes.
But whatever the direction we go, do not get trolled.

Ask little Mikey, Mikey knows a thing or two about bagholding, he's a proud bagholder of Celgene.

He is so stereotypical I wonder if he is not roleplaying, but @Bagholderquotes posted threatening PM's so he seems serious XD

HMNY never stops going down and the investors just lost their mind.
They are pretty angry and they are those that don't even care anymore.
Sounds fun.

Remember when Buffett told "Buy total garbage when there is blood in the street"?
Right he never said that :p
Never ever stops falling XD
I don't know what this guy is saying but he sure seems angry
"Big Oil out here just buying up Teslas and crashing them into cop cars. Wake up sheeple."
How do people let something sink so hard and lose all of their money?

Gevo, Inc. is a renewable chemicals and advanced biofuels company headquartered in unincorporated Douglas County, Colorado in the Denver-Aurora metropolitan area.

People see the words "renewable" they just want to throw their money into something. (or decentralised or blockchain etc).

In the late 90's people saw the word "tech" "internet" ".com" "www" they just throw all of their money AND buy on margin.
Every one lost their money.
But Warren Buffett was wrong, because Apple recovered! That 1 tech company.
6 or 7 figures suicide attempts? 5% of these end up "successes"? Irrelevant, Amazon that was not even listed and Apple are now huge, hence Warren Buffett was wrong.
Let's interview some of 2000 investors. Gosh can't find one they all died in the street after losing their homes, or have killed themselves by now.

And this idiot Buffett that was wrong worth 90 billion leaving comfortably at 90 years old. Haha he missed out so much he must have huge regrets.

The whole world is into crypto, at least Bitcoin.
It is clearly too big to fail.

I did not even think this was possible...
I seriously never thought of this...

Rofl XD

I wonder if any Bitcoin BagHODLer is at that point.

How braindead does one have to be?
People are really THIS stupid?

There might very well be some dumbass "crypto investors" that cannot even afford food now...

They probably kept "averaging down"...

What is more likely to happen:

A) People starve to death, don't pay for that operation (caused by the stress of crypto prices falling 66%), all skip vacation, don't pay for their children school books pens etc in a few months, skip their bills, etc etc. No one bought on margin so no one will get liquidated.

B) The price takes the elevator down soon.
Brought a smile to my face
"R3, a startup that last year announced it had raised $107 million to bring blockchain services to the financial sector, is floundering and could be out of money by early next year, according to two former employees of the company.

The company’s reported struggles come amid questions about R3 and its ability to build a business around its version of blockchain, a type of software that facilitates transactions by creating a secure ledger across multiple computers."
"It's not true that you can't buy anything with Bitcoin. Thousands of people use Bitcoin every day to buy hundreds of different virtual coins. They then use these virtual coins to buy Bitcoin.
See, the crypto ecosystem is very useful to humanity and is already changing the world."

"Remember a month ago, how it was your last chance to buy Bitcoin below $10,000?

Good times."
Is cryptocurrency a good investment?
Is cryptocurrency a good trade?
Is it rejecting the moving averages finally, and FINALLY going down?
Or just messing with us again?
"Crypto is good to trade because of the high volatility" yeah not recently thought.
I have a confession to make, last evening I looked at Bitcoin chart to help me fall asleep.

I just keep shorting everything these days...
"You evil maniac you like to profit from people misery".
I wonder how many people think like this, it makes absolutely no sense lol.

Short = Sell and buy
Long = Buy and sell

What is the difference? :D

I really really wish it goes down soon because I KNOW the probability of going down is much greater than miracle buyers stepping in.

The bagHODLers have already put what little they had left in "to average down" or "profit from the drop to buy cheap", so there won't be more money from them, those that were going to go stupid and go margin to buy even more and "average down" have done so, and all that is left are the margin calls.

Tic tac.
All eyes on 7372!

Going below that means a lower high lower low EW5 failure in a downtrend under all the moving averages, and that is not bullish :p

I will not long on 6600$ that is just gambling.
I will look for either an opportunity to short more in a while, or for a strong support to be hit like the correction trendline.


ETH is more bullish but that is not going to matter.

LTC is pretty bearish now but when it reaches 50$ it will be bullish.
If LTC is at 65$ when BTC in on some weekly MA I think that's a good place to start buying.
It will not be the end of it, just buy then sell and wait next dip.
What happened last time the weekly MA100 was tested for BTC:

This time the next high/resistance is VERY far below, BUT there is another above it, so what will happen?
Bounce before that MA, straight on it, or fall fall fall to 3000?

This can also happen :p
But I do not think it will.
People are pretty delusional about crypto.
People did not care much about Apple back then.
Expecting people to buy BTC as it dips.

Snoozer of a day yesterday resulted in the least amount of views and comments on a crypto video in a long time.
This further gives evidence that if we break bearish , crypto will become a ghost town compared to what we have seen the last 14 months.
Pulling back this morning with 15 min RSI just over 20 and hourly RSI just getting oversold.
In the past few days this has been a decent entry point for small short term bounces.
Otherwise just like the weekly EQ 0.00% , we patiently wait for this daily EQ 0.00% to break this weekend.
Do not over trade in this space. Wait for breaks and volume if not in positions.
I have made 1 crypto trade in the last 3-4 days.

He is dan right!

BTC Daily Equilibrium
If I can give advice to traders it is well first what he said do not overtrade, but also, put some alert on major levels you do not even need to look at it, only check crypto when an alert pops (6000$ 8000$ BTC for example I suppose).

Oil & FX pretty volatile.
I am not really looking at stocks but there has to be opportunities of course.
I would want to buy some AMZN or Apple, but we are up so much, got a bad feeling...
Need a major pullback on an important level and get out quick when it bounces.
The crypto hype has sooooo fallen off XD
The only ones still living in the hype are those that are holding bags.
For how much longer?
Noob bank traders trade like me but they forgot one thing.
If you use the retail traders troll indicators and charting on top of support & resistances, you increase your odds even moar hue hue hue.

10 steps ahead.
Hunt for the levels patterns lines fibos RSI MA's etc etc every different thing that different people are looking at, and on all timeframes, never lose a trade ! XD
The time for bed has come.
I think we can officially say the hype is over.
WHAT IS THIS? Bitcoin has now turned to a permanent flat line. Good news then, it can be adopted!

Going to watch this for a while to help me fall asleep. Good night.
Mario latest game:

Now I believe it is just a waiting game before 1 of 2 things:
A- Price gets pumped 1000$ in 1 second.
B- The first holder sells.

I want this thing to move before I make a new idea.
Doing the same it has been doing in the past up to now.
Faster thought, thankfully. But being more flat/boring locally I would say.
More bore less longer.

Good news potential investors do not have to worry about the volatility anymore!
What are they waiting for?!

"it's ok my stop loss protects me"
Sure buddy, sure.

That looked like a really really bad trade, why would anyone go long rofl.
If I could catch something like this short...Ermaghad insta millionaire XD

People really trade nonsense.
Posible we take the elevator down soon ;)
This is what a trading graveyard looks like.

If we drop today or next week, this kind of 1 min chart should not appear for a while... Probably?

I think we recover now, but could be as little as 50$/100$
Or maybe we go form a higher high... Going to fall anyway, I can say with 99% certainty, no one is interested anymore but those that ALREADY bought.

Lower high AND lower low.
It is official, we are in a downtrend.
When you get to my age and with my WEEKS of experience you just see these things coming.


Is it not beautiful?

Let crypto drop alot today so I can make a new idea spam box where I say how right I was and we went down on the 10 june exactly.
Oh wow we destroyed that second low already, was not looking XD
TFW BTC gives up weeks of grind in hours :D
Whales bastards...
They are waiting for Sunday, AND before Asia wakes up while every one is asleep Europe Asia East USA - or soon - to dump their Bitcoins.
I do not see where to long it, some people buy the dips and sell quickly.
Not worth the effort for me I would prefer doing something else.
Can't tell you where to go long... Not until under 6000.

The BagHODLers magical lord and savior coin gave up 3 higher lows in a matter of minutes.


Let's let it recover then see if we go up to form a new lower high, or keep going down after a tiny bump.
The cash cows that bought crypto in november 2017 and past that are getting milked to the last drop. Everyone is picking his share off them. Exchanges taking advantage of every possible income stream, early adopters using them to cash out, instructors making money off desperate fools, book authors being top sellers, mining hardware sellers NVIDIA uncluded, and hackers too, all milking these cows.

No wonder the altcoin trading book is top in "introduction to investing".

Victims that fell for the ponzi got in lost their money, and now they want to learn how to invest :D
Probably lose what is left of their money trying to recover & then quit forever.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)cryptoEthereum (Cryptocurrency)Litecoin (Cryptocurrency)Support and ResistanceTrend Lines


