CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
Hi everyone,

Overview: I am not going to lie, the prediction of this leg up has been trickier than I considered. On my August 9th update, I had the idea that market has topped, however, the rally caused by CPI data invalidated that.

Update: I have to do a little bit of relabeling to wave (c) of y of X. Right now, I see us extending in wave V of (c) of y of X. Potential targets for wave X peak (4290-4310):
1) Retracement of Y: 4300.75
2) (a) to (c) of y: 4274.75 and 4303.25
3) Wave V: 4286.5 and 4311.75


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