CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
After a lot of contemplation, I think this is what we're going to see.

We have a very clean back test of the bearish channel - and we've a clear algo target sitting over head at 4068.50

What we have here on a larger degree is an irregular flat... Which is a 3-3-5 correction

-Wave A was a w-x-y for the initial "covid crash" last year.

-Wave B is what we're currently working on, though I'm having trouble calculating the upside target for where it ends, due to all of this artificial money printing.

-Wave C will be 5 impulse waves down to 100~123.60% retracement level when measuring the distance between A and B.

The upcoming wave C will mark the end of this wave 4 correction, and we will finally be able to start a real impulse move up into the years ahead to finish wave 5 on the highest degree.

Ps. will sell my shorts tomorrow & continue playing the long side awhile longer.



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