
Great Long Term Buying Opportunity


Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc., through its investment in Enbridge Income Fund, holds energy infrastructure assets in Canada. The company holds interests in the 2,306-kilometre Canadian Mainline, the Regional Oil Sands System, and Southern Lights Pipeline, as well as other crude oil gathering pipelines and storage facilities in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec; and crude oil storage terminals and caverns in Hardisty, Alberta. It also owns a 50% interest in the 3,719-kilometre Alliance System, which transports natural gas from western Canada and the Bakken region to delivery points near Chicago, Illinois. In addition, the company holds interests in 14 renewable and alternative power generation assets that include solar, wind, and waste heat recovery facilities comprising a generation capacity of approximately 1400 megawatts of power in the areas of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec. Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. was incorporated in 2010 and is headquartered in Calgary, Canada

Forward P/E 11.07
Pays a 6.06% dividend expected to rise to 8.09% by next year.
Little to no debit
Earning Per Share estimated to be around 15.3 % not including 6.06% Dividend payment
Insider Trading reports almost 9 Million Share bought in the last 5 months by members on the Board. This is a great sign that things are on the UP!

This company transports Liquid fules mainly to the U.S and for transportation to China. Shares are worth just under $28.00 right now and will easly be up over $70.00 in the next 3 years. This Company is a no brainer to buy in to!

Enter $27.00-28.50
Stop $ 26.00
Hold for 3-5 years

Do your own research on the company and make your own finall decisions.
