
DXY: Price is at a critical Juncture

Olu ที่อัปเดต:   
TVC:DXY   ดัชนีค่าเงินดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
Comments on the chart. I am bullish the US$ towards the 108 area at least but the trading is how we get there from here.
Downside momentum has stalled. A good place for a turn
I hae to entertain the idea that a temporary top might be in and that there is seriously more downside to come. Price has been pushing lower more than expected. When price is not behaving as expected take a step back and re-analyse
Price is breaking down. as said in the idea if we dont turn around hard from here we should be looking much lower. I will publish a different scenario idea by the end of the day



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