Doge had some nice movements today, following yesterday’s bullish pattern originations Ont he short time frame. Expect to see those propagate exponentially over the next bit here.
This view shows the short time frame projections leading nicely into the long range projections, all fit to relevant support and resistance levels on each time frame.
Yeah… a lot of lines… i hear that all the time. I have to remove the less relevant lines so that i don’t overload the servers at TradingView. Apparently my brain is faster than the super computers. Of course, when i get to work on the 30s time frame, everyone of these levels, plus many more minor levels come into play. My aim is to “Floss” the bull runs, accurately predicting and playing all of the pull backs.
Floss??? Well… flow state mtn biking on a flow trail, creates the sensation of low altitude flight… and if you pilot your human powered hang glider immaculately, your trail would resemble a big piece of dental floss, winding through the woods, flawlessly.
Sorry if you can’t compute all the lines… hiding them (option command H) helps get your bearings. And zooming in also opens up the perspective.
BITCOIN: ETF approved today. SELL THE NEWS!!!!!!! Should have bought the rumor long ago!