
Cup & Handle - Short Term Price Target - $0.05

BucketStocks ที่อัปเดต:   
Cup & Handle Forming on 30min time frame.

Fib Extension shows 1.618 at $0.05 so that is my short term Price Target.
This is a level I will be taking some profits in unless it continues to run past it.
Then $0.08
Final Target around $0.10-$0.12

Keep in mind, BTC also affects DOGE so if BTC continues to head lower, it may consolidate a bit more.

Not Financial or Investment Advice. Please only invest what you can afford to lose. Limit risk with Stop Losses below support levels
Entry : 31,0000 @ $0.0028
Target met close to $0.05, did not manage to take profits. Looking for ~$0.09 to $0.14 with how much FOMO there is
Remain Bullish above Middle white line in Bollinger Band Sell if it does not hold. You can see in the last run, it remained above the white line. Blue line 50 Day Moving Average also will act as really strong support.
Above comment only works with 1 Hour time frame

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