
MYM Potential upside, Futures Day trade

sniperfox2021 ที่อัปเดต:   
FOREXCOM:US30   ดัชนีเฉลี่ยอุตสาหกรรมดาวโจนส์
Unfortunately last trade did not work. I day traded and took defensive trades to regain lost capital. I will be day trading this and going long temporalily. Yesterday there was some movement and the uncertainty that Jerrome Powell is not going for another term, TSLA affecting SP500, Evergrande debt still in limbo based off tweets from Zerohedge, we will see if this affects us. I am still worried but will be day trading this to the upside until 37,200. Blue candles are from the chart history which I then copy pasted this which is the white candles.
I meant to put this in the MYM chart, not the DJI lol.
Watching Meetkevin on CPI Inflation Release
This pattern did not play out, but I will just day trading this market.



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