ดัชนี Dow Jones Industrial Average


It can not grow forever.

Some of my thoughts:

New pushed "Industry 4.0" will not change this. Maybe the automotive industry could focus more on electric driven cars and solar cells for home use, this would drive again the economics. But, this is not wanted. It would eliminate the money flow to big electric power companies and the crude oil owners.

BTW, thats the reason why they came up with smartphones and tablets first, instead of super batteries for cars and home use combined with cost imporved solar equipment. Remember, there was a time when photovoltaics was pushed even with subsidies? A whole new industriy came up and died. They realized it would change the world and canceled it with senseless reasons and stoped development of better and more efficient equipment. The only 'supported and tolerated' solution is a wind turbine which is simply no solution for the average Joe.

Can you imagine, what this would be like if everybody would produce his own energy from sunlight (with low cost equipment without 30 Years of ROI) and charge his car with that? You could even charge the car of somebody else for free). This whole topic can be discussed so much deeper, but one thing is fact: Its not the money what makes us slaves, it is the energy, nothing else.

All we have to do is Imagine:

