
Expect Donald Trump to become more moderate

If you read investors mind today or in the last days you really can not believe what people are talking about or thinking.

If you follow any news, even mainstream or not, than Donald J. Trump is not President of the U.S.

Whatever you read right now suggests Donald J. Trump is like Recep Tayyio Erdogan or Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Erdogan and Putin never need any support of parliament. They can do what they want. Donald Trumps daily "executiv orders" suggest, that he has the same "power" like Putin or Erdogan. Within 7 days only even traders or anyone else on this planet might have forgotten that the political "power" of a democracy is never focused on one single person only. Donald J. Trumps approval rates are more powerfull than Trump himself ever might be. If ever he can not improve his record low approval rates U.S. Senators will not back him and U.S. Congressmen and Women will not do as well.

Expect that Donald Trump set a more moderate tone starting in the next days and weeks and that this will push again stockmarkets higher. Same time do not overestimate that some more friendly words might change anything at all. This is another issue and wich probably later this year will cause a sharp downturn of all major stockmarkets in autum. A more "friendly way" is not a real change - but it will push stockmarkets higher now probably for some weeks and month more.
Jan 28 2017

Follow the Mexican Peso an some more informations you will find here to get an idea about the further direcion of global stockmarkets in the next weeks and month.

Trumps Transition to Mr. Nice Guy
Please open the chart above and you can read some more information.
Jan. 27 2017

USDMXN keeps the attention of Jim Cramer:
Jan. 27 2017

USDMXN todays coverage by CNBC: Donald Trumps (simple) phonecall moved the markets: USDMXN down, ISHARES MSCI Mexico (EWW) surge.
Jan. 28 2017


Call it a "joke" and for sure it will never happen. But same time Donald Trump is in faovur for the "Brexit" California is seeking an exit as well - from Trump. This means all and nothing. Donald Trump is running out of friends first - and sooner or later he will loose some of his voters. If ever this starts he is going to loose any support in Congress and Senat in a very short periode of time.
Jan. 28 2017


CETA clears hurdle in European Union parliament

A planned EU-Canada free-trade deal moved closer to reality on Tuesday after a key committee advised the European Parliament to give its backing after months of protests and heated debate.

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is seen as a test of Europe’s ability to forge future trade accords and as a counterweight to anticipated protectionism under new U.S. President Donald Trump. “It’s more than just a free-trade treaty with Canada. It’s a statement about how we relate with the rest of the world,” said Sorin Moisa, CETA co-ordinator for the center-left Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats group, whose members have been divided over the pact. “We want to shape rather than withdraw from the world, and all the more so after Trump,” he told Reuters in an interview. Source:
Jan. 28 2017

The European Union is working on a free trade agreement with Mercosur since allmost 15 years. Donald Trump agressive boarder tax politic is excellerating this negotiations obviously.
Jan 29 2017

Gallup: Trump Net Approval Rating Drops 8 Points In First Week In Office

President Donald Trump’s net approval rating dropped by eight points in his first week in the Oval Office, according to daily polls tracked by Gallup.

On Sunday Jan. 22, two days after being sworn in, 45 percent of respondents said they disapproved of Trump’s job performance and 45 percent approved. By Friday Jan. 27, the percentage who disapproved rose to 50 and percentage who approved dipped to 42. Trump has had a busy but rocky first week in office, signing off a series of executive orders laying out major policy changes like a temporary ban on refugees and on citizens from seven majority-Muslim nations. He had a friendly meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday, but raised tensions with Mexican president Enrique Peña-Nieto over his insistence that Mexico will pay for a southern border wall that the country does not want. Other national surveys show similarly low approval ratings for the President. Forty-four percent of respondents to a Quinnipiac survey released Thursday said they disapproved of his handling of the presidency thus far, while only 36 percent approved. Source:
Jan 30 2017 Trump is going to loose the Senat

McCain, Graham lead in GOP criticism of Trump ban ...

Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina broke the GOP silence on Capitol Hill on Sunday to issue a scathing condemnation of President Donald Trump's ban on travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries. ....
... t was the strongest criticism Trump has faced yet from the right, as congressional leaders largely deflect questions about the ban and aides say Trump is doing exactly what he pledged he'd do on the campaign trail. ...
.... That could change this week when lawmakers return to Washington and the Senate considers several of Trump's Cabinet nominees' confirmation ...

....On Capitol Hill, many GOP offices were non-responsive in the 24 hours after the executive order was signed, though more are now making statements.
The reason, according to GOP sources in both chambers, was two-fold: They were left out of the loop by the White House before the travel ban was announced, and they see political risk coming from both directions.
"Support it and get hit, oppose it and get hit," one GOP source said. "There will be time for discussion about this. Right now we'll let the administration take the lead." ...
Jan 30 2017

Quote: Business News | Mon Jan 30, 2017 | 9:24am EST
Goldman Sachs CEO says bank does not support Trump travel ban

Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) CEO Lloyd Blankfein told employees that President Donald Trump's order to halt arrivals from seven Muslim-majority countries was not a policy the bank endorsed, according to a source familiar with the matter. "This is not a policy we support, and I would note that it has already been challenged in federal court, and some of the order has been enjoined at least temporarily," Blankfein told employees in a voicemail on Sunday.
Blankfein said Goldman Sachs would work to minimize potential disruptions to employees and their families caused by Trump's order, according to a transcript seen by Reuters. Most U.S. corporate bosses have stayed silent on Trump's immigration curbs, underscoring the sensitivities around opposing policies that could provoke a backlash from the White House.
Jan 30 2017

It took 3 years for George W. Bush to hit 50% disapproval. Trump is there after 8 days.
Jacob Gardenswartz
51 Mins Ago

Trump is the only modern president to reach majority disapproval in such a short period of time. It took hundreds of days for all other presidents to reach 50 percent disapproval, according to Gallup, which has been polling presidential approval since 1945. Some, like Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower, never saw a majority disapprove of their performance.
Jan 30 2017: Impressive Chart^tfw
Jan 30 2017:

The New York Post
New life for Mike Pence’s tweet calling Muslim ban ‘offensive and unconstitutional’

Published: Jan 29, 2017 7:06 p.m. ET

An old assertion of Vice President Mike Pence’s raised eyebrows over the weekend as it emerged from the annals of Twitter — and stood as a direct contradiction to President Donald Trump’s new executive order banning immigration from Muslim-majority countries.
“Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional,” then-governor Pence tweeted at 7:30 a.m. on Dec. 8, 2015.^tfw

30 Jan 2016

Expect Steve Bannon to get fired by Trump in the next weeks or month.

Quote: Mexicans are boycotting US Products to protest Trump's wall tax
Leticia Miranda
2 Hours Ago

Just days after the Trump Administration said it was considering taxing Mexican imports to pay for a border wall, Mexican consumers are vowing to stop buying US products.

Mexico is teeming with US restaurants, coffeeshops, stores and products.

Walmart's Mexico division, for example, is the largest outside the U.S. with 2,379 stores, including 256 Walmart Supercenters. Starbuck's and McDonald's have more than 500 stores each across Mexico. Per capita, Mexicans are also the number one consumers of Coca-Cola in the world, according to the SMI Group.
Jan 31 2017

Quote: Justice department lawyers instructed not to defend Trump migration order – reports

The acting US attorney general Sally Yates has instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend President Donald Trump’s executive order banning travel for people from seven Muslim-majority countries, according to reports. Yates was appointed by Barack Obama, and is serving as the acting head of the Justice Department until Jeff Sessions’ likely confirmation. Source
Trump immigration ban puts $20 billion in Boeing aircraft sales to Iran, Iraq at risk
Jan 30 2017

Quote: Asia Pacific nations are tilting closer toward China as Trump declares 'America First'

There are strong signs that countries in Asia and the Pacific region are turning away from the United States and tilting toward China as the Trump administration emphasizes "America First."
Perhaps the most alarming signals are coming from Australia, a country that has deep cultural and historical ties to the United States but which depends on exports of raw materials to China. Donald Trump is deeply unpopular in Australia, which like the United States is an immigrant nation. Last week, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he was open to the idea of China taking the place of the United States in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. The Obama administration had led the effort to build the TPP, and had designed the trading bloc with the U.S. at its center. But President Donald Trump effectively killed the TPP immediately after taking office. Source:
Jan 31 2017

Quote: For some, Sally Yates' firing resembles Saturday Night Massacre

Acting Attorney General Sally Yates' firing over her refusal to enforce President Trump's immigration ban made waves on social media Monday night. And, as news spread of the ouster, critics thought of another clash between a president and attorney general that ended in an ouster: the Saturday Night Massacre. Many compared what happened to Yates, an Obama holdover who defied Trump's executive order suspending immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries, to former President Richard Nixon's clash with his Attorney General's Office over the handling of the Watergate investigation. That disagreement led to the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. Source:
Jan 31 2017

Quote: San Francisco sues Trump over sanctuary city order
Commodities9 minutes ago (Jan 31, 2017 02:18PM ET)

By Dan Levine

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - San Francisco filed a lawsuit on Tuesday challenging President Donald Trump's executive order directing the U.S. government to withhold money from cities that have adopted sanctuary policies toward undocumented immigrants. The lawsuit, filed by San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera, marks the first court challenge over the sanctuary order filed by one of the targeted cities. Trump signed the directive on sanctuary cities on Jan. 25, along with an executive order to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, as he charged ahead with sweeping and divisive plans to transform how the United States deals with immigration and national security. Local officials in cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Denver, Washington and Seattle, as well as San Francisco, offer some forms of protection to illegal immigrants. Billions of dollars in federal aid to those cities could be at risk. Tuesday's lawsuit alleges that the executive order violates the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states that powers not granted to the federal government should fall to the states. "In blatant disregard of the law, President of the United States seeks to coerce local authorities into abandoning what are known as 'Sanctuary City' laws and policies," said the lawsuit, filed in San Francisco federal court. Soure:
Jan 31 2017

Now the world know´s who is behind the extreme executive orders: Steve Bannon. Expect that this will not last forever.

Quote: Trump's go-to man Bannon takes hardline view on immigration in controversial executive order
3 Hours Ago

When Donald Trump's administration put together its controversial executive order on immigration, it was Steve Bannon – the populist firebrand fast emerging as the president's right-hand man – pushing a hard line. Senior officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) interpreted the order to mean that lawful permanent residents — green card holders — who hailed from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted in the immigration order would not face additional screening when they entered the country. But they were quickly overruled by Bannon, who is Trump's chief strategist and oversaw the drafting of the executive order along with White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, a close ally of Bannon's, the officials said. "They were in charge of this operation," one senior DHS official said, adding that the experts were "almost immediately overruled by the White House, which means by Bannon and Miller."
Jan 31 2017

Now expect that Capitol Hill is starting to fight back. The United Staates is not Turkey or Russia ruled by one Person only. Donald Trump finally can only focus on "economics" in the next 90 days or he is going to loose any support until his "honeymoon" ends at May 1th. 2017 after 100 days.

Quote: The uproar over Trump’s immigration order is weakening his standing in Congress
Updated by Jeff Stein Jan 31, 2017, 7:40am EST

Congressional Republicans have split over Trump’s executive order

Last week, Republicans in Congress gave plenty of cover to Trump’s statements and actions, even when controversial. They said they supported his decision to reopen CIA black sites abroad. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he would find money for Trump’s border wall with Mexico. Even Trump’s falsehood about 3 million fraudulent votes being cast in the election went largely unchallenged by congressional Republicans. The refugee ban is shaping up to be a different story. More than 50 Republicans in Congress have said they support Trump’s decision. But there are pockets of dissent too — so far, at least 34 congressional Republicans have announced criticisms of the ban, including Arizona Sen. John McCain and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Source:
Jan 31 2017

Quote: Trump preaches "buy american, ´hire american´ but "The Mirror" checked, where Donald Trump his stuff is buying. Guess where. The Trump "Signature Collection" is made in Mexico. Ivanka Trump's Clothing Is Made in China, Indonesia, and Vietnam.


Donald Trump's flagship hotel rooms are crammed with products made OUTSIDE America. The £200million Trump International Hotel in W­ashington DC contains rooms where almost everything in them was made outside the US despite his pledge to buy American Source:
Do not be scared about Donald Trump. Just laugh!
Feb 01 2017

If ever there might be any "border tax" Republican lawmakers need to agree to higher prices payed by U.S. consumers. They won´t do this.

With a crippling border tax looming, retailers head to Washington
Krystina Gustafson | @KrystinaGustafs
1 Hour Ago

A Republican proposal that would tax retailers on goods they import and sell in the U.S. still has more questions than answers. But that hasn't stopped industry leaders and trade groups from increasing the pressure they're putting on Washington, D.C., as they fight against a policy critics say could put some of these companies out of business. A "large number of CEOs" have been to D.C. in recent months, to share their concerns about a so-called border adjustment tax, David French, senior vice president for government relations at the National Retail Federation, told CNBC.
When factoring in visits from CFOs, those numbers are "easily" in the double digits, French said. Separately, the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) on Wednesday formally launched a national campaign to fight the border tax, called Americans for Affordable Products. A vice president for that trade group recently told Jefferies that participants across the industry have reached out about the issue, "including retailers who typically do not engage in public policy issues," Jefferies analyst Randal Konik said.

RILA's members include major retailers like Target, Home Depot, J.C. Penney, Wal-Mart and Nike. Of those retailers, only Target and Home Depot responded to CNBC's request for comment. A Home Depot spokesman said the company is "still studying the possible scenarios and impacts." A Target spokeswoman echoed that statement, saying the retailer is "closely monitoring the ongoing discussions on tax reform and the impact of the House's proposed border adjustability tax on our guests." The spokeswoman confirmed to CNBC that Target CEO Brian Cornell was one of the industry executives who went to Washington to speak out about the tax, as was first reported by Politico.
"We can confirm that [CEO Brian Cornell] traveled to D.C. to participate in conversations with lawmakers but we are not going to get into specifics of those conversations," Target spokeswoman Dustee Tucker Jenkins said. However, a source close to the matter told CNBC that Target's message is centered on the impact a border tax would have on its shoppers, who would end up paying more for the company's products. The retailer is also emphasizing the fact that 99 percent of its workforce is based in the U.S., and that a border tax would slow its plans to open small, urban stores that would employ more Americans.

"In the last decade, no issue has galvanized the industry more than this one," Brian Dodge, senior executive vice president of public affairs at RILA, told CNBC.

Details regarding a potential border tax are largely a question mark, though a 20 percent adjustment has been most frequently discussed. The White House has floated the idea of using an import tax as a way to pay for the wall President Donald Trump wants built between the U.S. and Mexico. Yet while some argue that such a tax would increase the value of the dollar, and therefore lower the cost of imports, analysts maintain that most apparel and footwear brands would be forced to raise prices for consumers. "Any border tax will of course lead to higher prices for the consumer. That's just the reality that we'll have to face if it comes to that," Coach CEO Victor Luis told CNBC's "Closing Bell" on Tuesday.
Feb 01 2017

After 13 consecutive days of something like a "Trump nightmare" expect stockmarkets to return to daily business focused on earning and global growth. Watch the NASDAQ Comp for another unexpected ATH in the next days lead by APPL, FB & TSLA.

FB today: After hours plus 4 USD or 3%. Expect tomorrow a huge break away gap leading the comp higher.
Feb 02 2017

More details about Trump "Trade War" with Mexico is showing a deep conflict in the Oval Office.

Quote: Ivanka Trump's husband Jared Kushner reportedly has rift with President Donald Trump
President Trump has called his senior adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, "a tremendous asset...throughout the campaign and transition."However, their close relationship may be going through some challenges, according to a recent Vanity Fair report. The piece states that "according to a source familiar with the situation, Kushner's influence on his boss may be flagging."
One instance cited by Vanity Fair is the abrupt cancellation of Trump's meeting with Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto, which Kushner had reportedly spent numerous hours trying to negotiate.
According to writer Emily Jane Fox, a source said about Kushner, "I'd never once heard him say he was angry throughout the entire campaign. But he was furious."
In addition to issues surrounding Mexico, Kushner, an Orthodox Jew, has also been blasted for working on behalf of an administration that recently barred refugees when his own grandmother was a Holocaust survivor.
Feb 01.2017

Trump´s Harley-Davidson visit canceled

If ever Trump would had showed up there on thrusday international customers would had canceled theire orders - this might be the truth behind all. This example reminds to Barack Obama when he had low approval rates as well. Dem. Lawmaker didn´t want him to show up in theire election circels in this periode.


Trump trip canceled; Harley-Davidson wasn't comfortable with likely protests, per source

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump will not head to Milwaukee for a previously scheduled visit of a Harley-Davidson factory after the company decided it wasn't comfortable hosting him amid planned protests, an administration official said Tuesday.
Trump had been scheduled to tour the factory Thursday where he also planned to sign executive orders related to American manufacturing. The visit had not been publicly announced, but White House staffers were already on the ground in Milwaukee setting up for Trump's planned visit to the factory on Thursday. White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham confirmed Trump is not expected to go to Milwaukee on Thursday. Harley-Davidson issued a statement Tuesday night saying they "don't have, nor did we have, a scheduled visit from the President this week at any of our facilities." Source:
Feb 01 2017

Quote: Trump's first days in office spawn dozens of lawsuits

By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN
Updated 1354 GMT (2154 HKT) February 1, 2017

As of midday Tuesday, Trump has been named in 42 federal lawsuits since his inauguration. By comparison, former President Barack Obama was named in 11 suits during his first 11 days in office -- some of them involving the long-debunked "birther" claims that Obama was not an American citizen.
Here's a look at some of the lawsuits from the opening days of Trump's presidency.
Read more:
Feb 01 2017

All what traders needs to know about Donald Trump and the Trump Administration is "in the news". This means nothing else that the markets do not care anymore about this.

Market is discounting rhetoric coming out of Trump administration, trader says
Michelle Fox | @MFoxCNBC
1 Hour Ago

Despite the fears about President Donald Trump's recent protectionist moves, the U.S. stock market appears to be focusing on the positive at the moment, trader Jeff Kilburg told CNBC on Wednesday.

"Right now the market is discounting any rhetoric that comes out of the Trump administration," the founder and CEO of KKM Financial said in an interview with "Closing Bell." "They're counting on the fact that tax reform, infrastructure spending will trump, if you will, the market." Source:
Februar 02 2017: U.S. Retailers starts to fight back.


Stop the Border Adjustment Tax
Don´t make hard working families pay more on essantiel products

Tell Congress No To The Border Adjustment Tax
Make your voice heard on how this misguided proposal will impact you, your family, and jobs in your local community.

Take Action

Feb 02 2017: Mexicans not afraid of Trump´s border tax

In avocado country, Mexicans not afraid of Trump tariff threats
Economy37 minutes ago (Feb 02, 2017 02:30PM ET)

By Adriana Barrera

URUAPAN, Mexico (Reuters) - Avocado farmers in the rolling hillsides of Mexico's Michoacan state are not worried for now by U.S. President Donald Trump's threats to tear up a trade deal which could make the favorite snack of Super Bowl viewers more expensive.
Americans will chomp through huge amounts of avocados mashed into guacamole during the Super Bowl on Sunday, and 80 percent of those fruits will come from Mexico’s ever-larger expanse of orchards, thanks to a free market created by the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994.
It is peak season for guacamole, a word that means avocado sauce in Mexico's native Nahuatl language. Some 100,000 tonnes of the green fruit, or 12 percent of annual U.S. demand, will be consumed on Sunday and in the days before and after the New England Patriots game against the Atlanta Falcons, exporters say.
With such market dominance and demand, growers like Adrian Iturbide doubt Trump's eagerness to impose duties on Mexican goods will dent exports. They feel they have little to fear from proposals by the Republican such as a 20 percent blanket tariff on U.S. imports from Mexico, that would affect sales of "green gold" to the northern neighbor.

Feb 02 2017 Geopolitics will move the stockmarkets. This news is suprising traders:

Quote: UN Ambassador Haley hits Russia hard on Ukraine

(CNN)The US Ambassador to the United Nations offered a strong condemnation of Russia in her first appearance at the UN Security Council on Thursday, calling on Moscow to de-escalate violence in eastern Ukraine and saying that US sanctions against Moscow would remain in place until it withdraws from Crimea.
"The United States continues to condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea," said Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's envoy to the world body. "Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control over the peninsula to Ukraine."
Haley was speaking at an emergency UN meeting about a sudden upsurge in violence in eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting the Ukrainian army. Her remarks were notable for the stark difference between her rhetoric and Trump's.
On the campaign trail, the President hinted he might recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea. In the weeks before and after his inauguration, Trump's refusal to condemn Russian hacking during the election and his attacks on the intelligence community for investigating those hacks raised questions about his ties to Moscow.
Feb. 02 2016: Uber Ceo leaves President Trump’s advisory council

Travis Kalanick leaves President Trump’s advisory council

The car-sharing service had faced criticism for trying to work with the new administration. Travis Kalanick is leaving President Donald Trump's advisory council, according to a memo he sent to employees today. The Uber CEO had faced criticism for his agreement to work closely with the Trump administration, as well as the company's response to the White House's recent travel ban.
Feb 03 2017

Have a break - just laugh.

Expect A Major Stockmarket Rallye In Europe By Monday
Feb 08 2017 What ever happens in the White House or the Oval Office. Only Minuts or Hours later you can read anything in the news. This never happened before. Here is the reason why:

Quote: The Fix
The leaks coming out of the Trump White House cast the president as a clueless child

All White Houses leak. Sometimes the leaks are big, sometimes small. But there are always people willing to talk to reporters about the “real” story or about why the chief executive made a mistake in regard to some decision he made.

That said, I've never seen so much leaking so quickly — and with such disdain for the president — as I have in the first six days of Donald Trump's presidency.

Two recent examples:

1. This from the New York Times today on Trump's impulsiveness:

Mr. Trump’s advisers say that his frenzied if admittedly impulsive approach appeals to voters because it shows that he is a man of action. Those complaining about his fixation with fictional voter fraud or crowd counts at his inauguration, in their view, are simply seeking ways to undercut his legitimacy.

Yet some of his own advisers also privately worry about his penchant for picking unnecessary fights and drifting off message. They talk about taking away his telephone or canceling his Twitter account, only to be dismissed by a president intent on keeping his own outlets to the world.

2. This from WaPo on Trump's inauguration crowd estimates:

Trump’s advisers suggested that he could push back in a simple tweet. Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a Trump confidant and the chairman of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, offered to deliver a statement addressing the crowd size.

But Trump was adamant, aides said. Over the objections of his aides and advisers — who urged him to focus on policy and the broader goals of his presidency — the new president issued a decree: He wanted a fiery public response, and he wanted it to come from his press secretary.

Time and again, the image of Trump pushed by his “aides” is one of a clueless child — someone who acts on impulse, disregarding the better advice of people who know better. We know he needs to be managed or else he will say and do stupid things, the message seems to be. We're working on it. And what we know about Trump from his presidential campaign is that some of his top staffers — most notably Kellyanne Conway — often communicated to the boss via the media. What that strategy suggests is that Trump is influenced at least as much — and, in truth, likely more — by reading the sniping of his aides on background (meaning without their names attached) in the news than he is by private conversations. That the best way to reach him, change his mind or otherwise bend his ear is through a public airing of grievances. Trump has shown that his tendency to obsessively consume media — especially cable television — is unchanged in the six days since he has become president. He appears to be making policy decisions via things he watches or reads. (Remember Trump's famous/infamous statement that he got his military information and advice “mostly from the shows.”) At odds with all of this, however, is the fact that Trump is both deeply proud and hugely image-conscious. Having to read and watch allegedly loyal “aides” casting him as a sort of feckless child constantly in need of guidance wouldn't seem to be the sort of thing that would sit well with him.

Read more:
Feb 08 2017 If you want to learn, how "alternative facts" might end watch this video if you open this link. Kellyanne Conway is debunking there own "alternative facts".

Jake Tapper spars with Kellyanne Conway over WH falsehoods

Washington (CNN)Top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has apologized for citing a fake "massacre" in support of Donald Trump's travel ban, in an interview on CNN in which she acknowledged that not all of the mainstream media can fairly be characterized as "fake news".
Conway said "regretted tremendously" shaming the press for not covering the "Bowling Green massacre", an event that did not happen, when she was defending Trump's immigration crackdown.
Feb 08 2017 If you want to learn, how "alternative facts" might end watch this video if you open this link. Kellyanne Conway is debunking there own "alternative facts".

Jake Tapper spars with Kellyanne Conway over WH falsehoods

Washington (CNN)Top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has apologized for citing a fake "massacre" in support of Donald Trump's travel ban, in an interview on CNN in which she acknowledged that not all of the mainstream media can fairly be characterized as "fake news".
Conway said "regretted tremendously" shaming the press for not covering the "Bowling Green massacre", an event that did not happen, when she was defending Trump's immigration crackdown.
Feb 08 2017

White House ramping up search for communications director after Spicer's rocky start

By Jim Acosta, CNN Senior White House Correspondent

Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT) February 8, 2017
sean spicer dana bash _00030115

Washington (CNN)The White House is ramping up its search for a new communications director in an effort to lighten the load of embattled White House press secretary Sean Spicer, multiple sources told CNN.
A source familiar with internal communications said President Donald Trump is disappointed in Spicer's performance during the first two weeks of the administration.

Spicer has served as both White House press secretary and communications director for the new administration. Those roles are typically filled by two staffers.
Former Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller was originally tapped to serve as communications director for the White House, but Miller stepped aside before Inauguration Day to spend more time with his family.
A longtime Republican operative, Spicer is a close ally of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus. According to the source close to the hiring process, Trump is upset with Priebus over the selection of Spicer for arguably the administration's most visible position, next to the President.

Feb 08 2017: A new indicator is born.

Trump tweets losing power.

Trump tweets losing power
Feb 08 2017: CNN: Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch calls Trump's tweets 'disheartening'

Quote: Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch calls Trump's tweets 'disheartening'
Ashley Killough Profile

By Ashley Killough, CNN

Updated 2203 GMT (0603 HKT) February 8, 2017

Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch told a US senator Wednesday that President Donald Trump's tweets about the judiciary are "demoralizing" and "disheartening."
In a meeting with Connecticut Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Gorsuch, who's largely been silent since Trump nominated him last week, took exception to Trump calling a federal judge in Seattle a "so-called judge" after blocking the President's travel ban.
"He said very specifically that they were demoralizing and disheartening and he characterized them very specifically that way," Blumenthal said of Gorsuch. "I said they were more than disheartening and I said to him that he has an obligation to make his views clear to the American people, so they understand how abhorrent or unacceptable President Trump's attacks on the judiciary are." Source:
Feb 11 2017: Quote, Donald Trump: "I don´t know anything about this."

The scandal over Mike Flynn's secret talks with the Russians, explained
Updated by Zack Feb 10, 2017, 1:29pm EST

Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, may be in a lot of trouble. Late Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that Flynn had called Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on December 29, the same day that Obama had slapped new sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its hack of the US election. The conversation covered the sanctions, and, according to two officials, suggested that the Trump administration would be rolling back the sanctions in the future. That would mean Flynn had been actively trying to undermine Obama administration policy while not yet in office — a big, questionably legal no-no. Indeed, the FBI is currently investigating the content of the Flynn calls. The Trump administration repeatedly and publicly denied that Flynn had spoken to Kislyak about sanctions, even enlisting Vice President Mike Pence to back him up in the media. Flynn himself told the Post on Wednesday that he hadn’t talked about sanctions. But the Post spoke to nine former and current US officials with knowledge of the call, which was actually recorded by US intelligence agencies (as all such high-level calls to the Russian ambassador are). Subsequent reporting from other outlets backed the Post up.

On Thursday, Flynn, through his spokesperson, backed away from the denial. The spokesperson said Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”

All of which means that it’s very likely that Flynn lied about the content of his talks with the Russian ambassador. That leaves two big outstanding questions:

Did Flynn lie to Pence about sanctions, or did Pence knowingly lie to the American public?
Did Flynn lie to FBI investigators, too?

The answers could help determine whether Flynn keeps his job — and, potentially, whether he faces criminal charges.
FEB 13 2017: Follow closely todays Trump meeting with Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Comment: FEB 13 2017 Sears and Kmart have also dropped Ivanka Trump’s collection of Trump Home items, because no one wants to buy them.
FEB 13 2017 Wall St. set to extend record run as 'Trump trade' rekindles
Stock Markets38 minutes ago (Feb 13, 2017 08:44AM ET)'trump-trade'-rekindles-459544
FEB 16 2017: Donald Trump backfires on Netherlands far right wing party. Expect same for Marine Le Pen.

Quote: With his uncompromising language about immigration and Islam, Geert Wilders has been stirring up Dutch politics for several years now. But since the election campaign in the Netherlands formally began Wednesday, polls have shown that his popularity is on shaky ground. His far-right Freedom party (PVV) still holds an advantage over the ruling Conservative (VDD) party, but one that is narrowing.
Wendy Jansma, a 29 year-old healthcare student, was considering voting for Wilders. She likes that he has “the guts” to talk about problems, and is willing to put Dutch people ahead of newcomers. But the behaviour of newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump has caused her to reconsider. “I am afraid when I look at Trump – I don’t want to have someone like that in power here. That would be taking a big risk,” she told Vice News.
FEB 17 2017: Border Adjustment TAX. U-Turn likely
Merkel ally: If Trump imposes punitive tariffs, we'll likely do the same

For any border adjustment TAX Trump needs approval of congress and senate. At least two GOP Senators will vote against this: John McCain und Lindsey Graham. Only one Senator more voting against Trumps Border Tax means Donald Trump is becoming a lame duck as early as no US President bevore ever.

Quote: Merkel ally: If Trump imposes punitive tariffs, we'll likely do the same
Economy2 hours ago (Feb 17, 2017 05:40AM ET)
BERLIN (Reuters) - If U.S. President Donald Trump imposes punitive tariffs on goods from other countries, Europe will probably do the same, a senior ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a magazine interview.

Trump has pulled out of a multilateral trade agreement with Asia-Pacific nations, vowed to renegotiate the U.S. free-trade deal with Canada and Mexico and wants to protect U.S. industries from foreign competition by levying new tariffs on goods. In January, he warned the United States would impose a border tax of 35 percent on imported cars. Volker Kauder, the leader of Merkel's conservatives in parliament, told Focus magazine in an interview due to be published on Saturday that he did not want an upward race in terms of tariffs. But he added: "If Trump makes the first move, we'll probably have to make the next one. Europe must reserve the right to respond with the same methods." Kauder said he was very concerned about Trump's global economic policy: "We need to talk to Trump and his people about how isolationist policies neither help America nor us."
FEB 17 2017: Border adjustment tax seemed to wane after President Donald Trump this week met with retailers who oppose the plan.

Quote: Border adjustment tax is on 'life support,' and tax reform may come later ... and with less punch
The tax plan that promises the biggest cuts in corporate taxes without straining the federal budget looks increasingly unlikely to become law.
"I wouldn't call it dead, but I would say it's on life support," said Greg Valliere, chief global strategist with Horizon Investment. Valliere said the chances for the so-called border adjustment tax seemed to wane after President Donald Trump this week met with retailers who oppose the plan.
FEB 18 2017: Trump approval rating sets a new low with 38

Expect Donald Trump is losing more and more supporters. Same time the low approval rates explaining why Trumps tone since few days getting more and more aggressive. Expect another u-turn if Trump recognize that he will fail if he do not change this way of communication. Expect that one of his aids (Conway/Spicer/Bannon) gets "fired" next. This will cause another spike to the upside for stockmarkets.
Comment: Comment: FEB 18 2017: Trumps approval rates on record lows. What does this means (historically)?

Read more:
Quote: Disapproval
Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Down. How Much Does It Mean?
FEB 18 2017: Washington PR offensive fails to quell Europe's anxiety over Trump

Commodities16 minutes ago (Feb 18, 2017 04:31PM ET)

By Noah Barkin

MUNICH (Reuters) - One month into the unusual presidency of Donald Trump, his most senior cabinet members were deployed to Brussels, Bonn and Munich this week to reassure nervous Europeans that everything would be okay. ...
.... "Pence and Mattis and Tillerson can come here and talk about the importance of the transatlantic relationship and NATO - and that is all good," said Elmar Brok, head of the foreign affairs committee of the European Parliament and a party ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "But we don't know what's coming on Twitter tomorrow morning," he said, referring to Trump's penchant for spilling out policy statements via social media. Source:'s-anxiety-over-trump-460798
FEB 21 2017 Border tax hits political reality, and only Trump can save it

John Harwood | @johnjharwood
6 Mins Ago
Quote: So, Sen. David Perdue of Georgia, a former retail executive, has pronounced border adjustment an economic threat. Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, home base of Wal-Mart, has vowed to fight it. John Cornyn of Texas, who worries about the effect on oil prices and serves as the Senate's second-ranking Republican, last week pronounced border adjustment "on life support." Those three Republicans alone — if they hold firm — could be enough to sink the idea in a Senate where Republicans control just 52 seats. Source:
FEB 21 2017: Watch how strong the Mexican Peos is today:

Trumps Transition to Mr. Nice Guy
FEB 26 2017: Quote: Trump to address nation sandbagged by record low approval rating: NBC/WSJ poll
President Donald Trump will address the nation on Tuesday night saddled with the lowest approval ratings of any new chief executive in modern American history, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows. Source:
MAR 08 2017: Trump´s next u-turn
U.S. Commerce chief sees no major NAFTA talks until later this year
MAR 23 2017: Donald J. Trump is no almighty

MAR 23 2017: Vote looming, Trump struggles to win Obamacare repeal

Quote: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday was set to make a final push on Thursday to secure the votes to begin dismantling Obamacare in the House of Representatives, with signs that enough Republicans might defect to jeopardize one of his top legislative priorities. Trump has mounted an intensive campaign to garner support for the initiative and the effort is seen by financial markets as a crucial test of his ability to move his legislative agenda, including planned tax cuts, through Congress.
Republican leaders hoped to vote on Thursday but there were signs the deadline could be pushed back. Trump scheduled an 11:30 a.m. ET/1530 GMT meeting with members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus at the White House.
"We're still open for negotiations," Representative Ted Yoho, a member of the conservative group, told CNN. "There is still time."Democratic Representative Steny Hoyer said the majority Republicans clearly did not have enough votes to pass the bill, which has been championed by House Speaker Paul Ryan. Source:
MAR 23 2017: All major sentiment Indicators showing "fear" or "extreme fear" - even Markets just a few points under multi year highs or all time highs (DAX)

Before you read this news about todays market action (link below) keep your attention to the high level of putbuying at the CBOE: Total Intraday Put/Call Ratio 1,13. If ever there might be any higher number before the weekend the remind that usually high numbers like this are followed by a major spike to the upside some trading days later. Expect that a "fail" for Donald J. Trump might be nothing else than "sell the news" (for shortsellers). You need to invert the situation.

DAX Traders need to be aware that the EUWAX Sentiment Indicator today once more was extremely negative - means nothing else that putbuying was extremely high.
Quote: Wall St closes lower after Healthcare vote delay
MAR 24 2017: Trump's approval rating craters in poll — and his base is the culprit

Quote: President Donald Trump's approval rating has fallen to 37% — a new low, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released Wednesday. The poll found the president to be losing crucial support among Republicans, men, and white voters. The survey of 1,056 voters from across the US found that Trump's approval among Republican voters dropped to 81%, from 91% of those surveyed in a similar Quinnipiac poll two weeks ago. His disapproval rating among that group jumped to 14% from 5%.
The poll showed those in Trump's most supportive demographics — male and white voters — to be increasingly unhappy with his performance. Forty-three percent of men approved of Trump — down from 49% in the most recent poll, while 44% of white voters approved, also down from 49%. "Most alarming for President Donald Trump, the demographic underpinnings of his support, Republicans, white voters, especially men and those without a college degree, are starting to have doubts," the assistant director of the poll, Tim Malloy, said in a statement. Source:
MAR 30 2017: Majority of Americans think Trump's doing a poor job and the country is headed in the wrong direction: Poll
Trump's approval rating slips to another new low, much lower than resent presidents at this point in their terms
APR 02 2017 An influential GOP senator throws cold water on the polarizing House border tax provision
APR 03 2017 Donald Trump says he is ‘totally in favour’ of ‘wonderful’ EU
US President performs apparent U-turn after criticising bloc in previous interviews
APR 05 2017 - Quote: In reversal, Bannon removed from National Security Council
(CNN)Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump's chief strategist, has been removed from his permanent seat at the National Security Council, multiple sources tell CNN, moving the council into a more traditional format.
The decision, which one source with knowledge said was made by Trump himself, comes after the President in January authorized the reorganization of the National Security Council to include Bannon as a permanent member of the panel. Source:
APR 10 2017 - Opinion: Trump, May show surprising tilt toward pragmatism
Quote: Instead of acrimony and tantrums, we got cooperation and compromise
... However, in the past few days, the U.S. and British leaders have shown they are perfectly capable of reasonable policies designed around compromise rather than confrontation. ...
... The president carried out what appears to have been another valuable service by removing his top aide Steve Bannon from the White House National Security Council, where the former head of right-wing website Breitbart News had seemed out of place. ...
.... In a retreat from “no-holds-barred” Brexit orthodoxy, Britain has said it would abide by some rules — including free movement of citizens — during a transition in which new regulations are being phased in. On a visit to Saudi Arabia last week, May attuned her EU dictum to Realpolitik principles, accepting that no full trade deal can be concluded until after the U.K. leaves and conceding that immigration from the EU could continue until after the next British election in 2020. ...
APR 12 2017- Fitch changes its mind: Trump isn't a threat to the world economy after all

- In February, Fitch warned that Trump posed a danger to global economic stability.

- In April, the ratings agency says the president's pro-growth agenda would push GDP more than expected.

Concerns linger over protectionism and debt, but the report was a major change from the previous warnings.
APR 15 2017: "The Art of Deal" - the question is, who made this deal?

China could had used Kim Jon un as troublemaker to get a good trade deal as trouble shooter. A political masterpiece, made in China.
APR 17 2017 - Wall Street banker Cohn moving Trump toward moderate policies
WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - In a White House marked by infighting, top economic aide Gary Cohn, a Democrat and former Goldman Sachs banker, is muscling aside some of President Donald Trump's hard-right advisers to push more moderate, business-friendly economic policies. Source:
APR 17 2017 - Border Adjustment TAX maybe never to come:
Quote: Supporters of the border-adjustment provision point out that it would raise $1 trillion in revenue that could be used to help pay for lowering tax rates. Mnuchin told the Financial Times that there are other ways that the White House could raise $1 trillion but that the border-adjustment proposal is not "off the table." Source:
APR 24 2017: Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times
Trump agrees 'not to terminate NAFTA at this time'
President Trump's six-month approval rating is lowest ever recorded — but he says it's 'not bad'
Remark: The last issue likely to keep Trump in Office is economics. U.S. voters link this to Trump. Facts are: Global strong economic fundamentals keep the U.S. economy growing. Trump advisers likely understand that any slowdown in local economics could end Trumps Presidentcy quickly on Russia probes.


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