
Decred (DCR) Confirmed 164% (Full Trade Inside)

BINANCE:DCRBTC   Decred / Bitcoin
Here Decred (DCRBTC) is already moving above the down trendline/falling wedge... The next target is set at 68% followed y 164%.

We have a trade idea with the full numbers listed below: In case you would like to see this pair in more detail.

We have a volume breakout and prices yet to move above EMA10... This is only getting started.

This is an easy one.

Make sure to have a well thought out plan ready before buying into any pair or doing any trading.

The best way to be successful is to prepare ahead of time.

If in doubt, don't trade.
If you make a mistake, either take the loss and move on or wait patiently until the markets change and prices resume up.

Patience is key.

Any questions... ???
Feel free to share it in the comments section below.


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