COTTON - ADX / ADM - TS V. 2.8.4 - Intraday levels for 08/08/17
ADM - Average Daily Movement - Intraday Levels
Close to close candle ... if exceeded the indicated level
on the contract CTZ17 Contract - Dec '17
LONG if> 70,796 [Gain]
TP1 = 71,294 [0.7%]
TP2 = 71,847 [1.5%]
TP3 = 72,953 [3.0%]
SL = 70,304 [-0.7%]
SHORT if <70,304 [Gain]
TP1 = 69,806 [0.7%]
TP2 = 69,253 [1.5%]
TP3 = 68,147 [3.1%]
SL = 70,796 [-0.7%]
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