Newbie's Corner - Have you given your best in trading?
Many traders even after few years of experience in trading are still struggling to make money. They have improved their technical knowledge. They know when the price is going to give big move, but still unable to make use of that knowledge. Why? When you are improving your technical knowledge, developing your trade set ups, are you increasing your trading capacity? It is nothing but your trading execution skills. Lets see an example. A big ship sailing in a sea got a hole in the bottom and water is rushing inside the ship. Though the ship’s sailing capacity is good, it will sink because of the hole. Similarly if you don’t improve your trading execution, whatever knowledge you have gained in market wont help you to make money. Trading execution skills can be developed as human beings are capable of learning anything they desire. So today, sit peacefully and think whether you have given at least 1% effort to improve your trading execution. Remember there is always a light after the dark. Similarly whoever take proper efforts to improve their trading skills will definitely become a profitable, consistent trader. Have you given your best in trading?