
50% Retracemen held, 4 hr 9 marked swing low

Megapump ที่อัปเดต:   
NYMEX:CL1!   สัญญาซื้อขายน้ำมันดิบเบาล่วงหน้า
The 50 % Fib-Retracement has held and the 4hr 9 candle marked the swing low. A daily close below $ 39 would kill the bullish narrative at least on the short-term, a daily close above $ 41 could easily translate into a move to the $ 50 to $ 55 area and energy stock owners will feel pretty smart.
Staying above $ 40 is crucial. Bulls seem to be in control and another attempt to break the resistance at $ 41.50 should finally make way to $ 45.



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